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A Sophisticated Approach

I was on my way to the groundbreaking of a tribe’s casino expansion and reflecting about how far casino development has progressed for tribes around the country.

The groundbreaking event was several years in the making, and the project will elevate the tribe’s current casino into a premier destination resort. The impetus for the expansion and renovation plan came from tribal leadership who saw potential for their casino to capitalize on the traveling public’s desire for premium gaming and entertainment experiences. The tribal council worked together, had a consistent vision for what they wanted for their tribe, even through multiple elections, and is developing a stronger economic future for their tribal members and the surrounding community. This tribe’s story of success is the story of many tribes around the country.

At the event, I had the opportunity to speak with another Native business owner in the design and construction industry and asked him what he thought about the shift in tribal development, and he agreed that tribal development is increasing in sophistication. Tribal leaders are stepping into leading development roles and demanding best-of-class execution at all levels, including casino executives, project management companies, architects, interior designers and purchasing. This rising level of sophistication translates to better projects and opportunities for Native communities to expand their sphere of influence off their reservations. Tribes can compete with commercial gaming enterprises and win.

The rising level of development sophistication is best examined within three categories:

Ownership Expectations

Can tribal leaders come together and distill what their goals are for their development? Are those goals quantifiable in terms of a return on investment, project duration and other qualitative goals? If tribal leadership has a clear understanding of what their goals are, they can work towards those ends, and when disagreements arise in the minutia, they can still stay focused on the larger development goals.

That clarity of thought by tribal leadership is the foundation that provides direction for the entire project team. Utilizing pre-development services, feasibility experts and conceptual master planning provides tribes with the same tools used by world-class developers to achieve their goals. That also helps tribes maintain focus during leadership changes.

Project Management

Once tribes have their goals defined in a measurable way, the most successful tribes have engaged with professional project owner’s representatives. Those professionals are either brought in-house of the tribal development offices or hired as independent owner’s representative companies. The value of a qualified owner’s representative cannot be overstated.

The best projects have clearly defined lines of communication, have an empowered leader that clearly understands the owner’s goals, and hold the entire team accountable to meet those goals. This does not mean that tribal leaders blindly rely on the project management company; tribal leaders leverage the expertise of the project managers to achieve their goals and refine the execution to be consistent with the industry method of project delivery.


We founded PMI-Tribal Services because we understood that the stakeholders for tribal development had a different perspective than typical commercial gaming. The decisions on a tribal gaming project reflect the past traditions of a community and a pathway for future generations. When a tribe hires a firm to design their new development, that designer’s specifications are the technical expression of the tribe’s goals for their project. To execute those goals properly, more and more tribes realize that professional project FF&E purchasing expertise is required. As casinos and hotels in Indian Country become more complex and the budgets continue to grow, tribes can leverage their buying power by changing the way they source and procure the FF&E and OS&E.

In the past, many tribes purchased their furniture from dealers. This resulted in poor design execution, inflated costs and a lack of transparency into project deliveries. Tribes that want to develop the best projects will utilize purchasing companies instead of a dealer. Some companies may claim to be a hybrid of a purchasing agent and furniture dealer, or they may claim to deliver a project with their preferred vendors—those companies are not purchasing companies, they are dealers and do not operate for the benefit of their client. A true agent-only purchasing company is always on the tribe’s side, operating in a transparent manner and always looking for the best interest of the tribe.

Professional project purchasing agents focus on design execution working directly with manufacturers. This transparent method of sourcing FF&E connects the tribe directly to manufacturers, resulting in significant project savings that all belong to the tribe. Working in collaboration with the designer and contractor, the project purchasing company coordinates the production and delivery to match the project schedule. This helps maintain the critical path of a contractor’s work without sacrificing design considerations. Just like a construction project manager manages the work of a general contractor, a project purchasing agent manages the work of all the vendors providing all the guest touch items in a project.

The shift in tribal development to a more sophisticated project delivery method will result in better projects that achieve the tribe’s goals. Wise tribal leaders will seek out partners in the project management and purchasing discipline as part of their plan to achieve their long-term goals.

Onward And Upward

As part of their deep commitment to education, the Sycuan Band of the Kumeyaay Nation was an early and generous investor in advanced education and research in tribal gaming.

Nearly 20 years ago, the tribe endowed the Sycuan Institute on Tribal Gaming (SITG) at San Diego State University (SDSU) with three clear mandates: 1) to develop and offer the nation’s first four-year degree program in tribal casino operations management (a B.S. in hospitality and tourism management); 2) to produce and direct academic research on tribal government gaming; and, 3) to inform and elevate the public policy debate around tribal government gaming and nation building.

With the support of our gaming industry partners, the Sycuan Institute is demonstrating a shared commitment to the long-term goal of developing a professional class of tribal government gaming experts who enhance and lead the industry globally.

Expanding Off-Campus

To extend these mandates beyond the SDSU campus, the SITG offers fully online classes in tribal gaming for both its degree and Professional Certificate. The certificate program consists of 12 units across five courses and can be completed in nine months through three pathways: 1) the traditional B.S. in hospitality and tourism management on campus; 2) a standalone certificate through SDSU’s Global Campus; or, 3) through the American Indian Studies (AIS) degree completion program fully online. The institute’s partnership with Red Lake Nation College (RLNC) is a pilot project demonstrating that our program can be exported across Indian Country.

Expanding the Research Agenda

The Covid-19 pandemic supported the Sycuan Institute’s early move to distance education. The shutdown of the $40 billion tribal gaming industry also revealed new research topics. Over the last several years, the video gaming and esports ecosystem has seen large shifts in communications, technology, and access.

Tribal youth maintained critical connections through playing games and tournaments online through the pandemic. Despite enduring barriers to participate and consume in rural areas, video gaming is becoming a significant aspect of tribal youth culture and worthy of academic research. The Sycuan Institute invested in the first-ever survey of tribal youth video game/esports participation by connecting SDSU Professor Brandon Mastromartino with Project Quipu (PQ) and the American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES).

This ongoing project aims to better understand the interests, habits and intentions surrounding video gaming and esports among tribal youth, with the results informing advances in career development, synergies with the casino gaming industry, and opportunities for community building and infrastructure expansion in Indian Country.

This project also seeks to empower educators and communities to foster the next generation of industry leaders. As we educate and mentor a generation of future leaders in the tribal government gaming industry, the Sycuan Institute continues to further our research and educational mission and enhance our community and industry partnerships.

Extending the Work

Building on the new direction in esports and video gaming, as well as Professor Mastromartino’s expertise in sports management, the Sycuan Institute is establishing itself as the leader in education and research on sports wagering in California. The public policy debate surrounding legalization and regulation of sports wagering in California

presents a pivotal moment for stakeholders and the public at large, heralding significant economic, social and ethical implications.

For a state with a rich sporting culture and a large, diverse population, potential legalization of sports betting in California requires robust research and debate. The Sycuan Institute is strategically positioned to pioneer sports wagering education and research and is poised to support a proposed Institute for Sport Experiences at SDSU in the near future. Such an institute would prepare students for careers in the sports industry through experiential learning and industry networking while also pursuing a robust research agenda and providing executive education.

Recognizing that Indian Country is an ever-changing landscape, aligning with Professor Mastromartino’s work on sports consumer behavior to create a new sports program at SDSU ensures that that Sycuan Institute’s work remains relevant and impactful.

Focused on topics such as consumer insights, the economic impact of sports betting on communities, and responsible gaming practices, future SDSU projects will contribute to the body of knowledge in the field and inform best practices for the growing sports betting industry. Ultimately, the Sycuan Institute will partner with industry and academic leaders and the new Institute for Sport Experiences to develop relevant curriculum and executive training in areas such as sportsbook operations, responsible sports wagering marketing, and cultural issues surrounding sports betting.

As we explore new frontiers of research, including the pivotal questions surrounding sports betting, the Sycuan Institute looks to industry and academic leaders for partnerships to drive innovation in education and research.

Q & A with E. Sequoya Simermeyer

  1. Sequoyah Simermeyer’s four-year tenure as chairman of the National Indian Gaming Commission (NIGC) was perhaps the most unique of any to hold the position thus far, given that it included both the dismal lows wrought by the Covid-19 pandemic and the record-setting resurgence that followed shortly after. Simermeyer championed several NIGC initiatives over those four eventful years, including the advancement of self-regulation, cybersecurity, fiscal reporting and more. He spoke with TGG Editor Jess Marquez at the ICE London tradeshow in February in what were some of the final days of his term.

TGG: Now that the calendar has changed over to 2024, what is the commission most focused on for the rest of the year? What’s your main focus?

Simermeyer: I think a lot of it is going to be implementation of initiatives that we have been focusing on throughout recent years, but definitely helping to be a partner in the way the regulatory community thinks about technology, but also the threats that exist involving cybersecurity, and continue to try to help to promote good practices in that area.

You spoke in London on a panel regarding U.S. and European regulations. One concept that is very unique to tribal gaming is the concept of self-regulation. Could you expand on what that means from the commission’s perspective, especially at this point?

For us, self-regulation represents an authority within the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act (IGRA) that allows for tribes to petition the commission for a certificate of self-regulation. That certificate reduces some of the oversight role that the NIGC has in that tribe’s operations—things like site visits, demands for information without a subpoena—and it also provides some cost savings to the tribe… At the time of (IGRA’s) debate and passage, there was concern from tribal leaders about the role that other regulatory bodies, like the newly created NIGC at that time, would play when tribes had their own jurisdiction, authority and ability to regulate. And so this is one of the provisions that was in there, in part for that reason.

This is a time of huge growth for the tribal sector, and as a regulatory authority, what would you say is important for operators to keep in mind during this time?

With any kind of change within the industry, there’s always an opportunity for tribal legislators and lawmakers at the local level to assess what their policy objectives are through their regulatory body. So if there are changes, new offerings within the IGRA framework, there’s an opportunity to assess your ordinance, an opportunity to establish goals you have with your licensing process that would help to meet your bigger mission within IGRA.

As you reflect on your tenure, what are some things that stick out in your mind from the journey? What are some things that you’ll look back on fondly from your time at the NIGC?

From early on in the tenure, I’ve gained a strong appreciation for tribal government leadership, our own leaders and subject matter experts at the NIGC for their ability to be creative and resilient in navigating solutions from the pandemic, and then also to keep moving and advancing new areas and to leverage what we learned in that area.

I think the pandemic has been a significant moment for all of the industry, but in the regulatory community, it gave us at the NIGC an opportunity to change how we effectively engage with and collaborate with tribes on solving problems… It’s also given us an opportunity to develop more resources in particular for the pandemic, but as other priority areas have come up, like cybersecurity or active shooters and critical event response, it’s given us an opportunity to establish more guidance that can promote best practices in those areas.

To finish things off, this is obviously the last ICE in London, so I’m curious, what has been your favorite part about visiting London and what’s one thing you’ll miss before things move to Barcelona?

What’s been exciting about the opportunities we’ve had to be here in London is that it’s an extremely international city. And the level of activity and collaboration around it is really energizing. So I’ve very much enjoyed the time that I’ve been here for ICE. And it is absolutely an important part of understanding trends in the industry, so that’s always invigorating and exciting to see.


acres cashless casino

It’s simple: Get more players, increase loyalty and maximize profits. Here’s how: Acres’ Foundation platform empowers casinos to modernize the casino player experience through granular, real-time slot data, delivering cashless and bonusing capability to every slot machine.

Foundation captures real-time data from the gaming floor and streams it into a unified and casino-controlled API for unparalleled operational insight. This innovative system enhances player experiences and optimizes casino operations by utilizing an advanced combination of hardware and software to monitor player behavior and game performance, transforming the industry with predictive analytics and real-time operational visibility. The technology is compatible with existing casino systems via SaS sharing, allowing a casino to supplement its existing software with Acres technology on one part of the casino floor, or to transform the entire experience by replacing outdated systems altogether.

A first-of-its-kind casino management system, Foundation HQ leverages Acres’ Foundation hardware, offering dramatic new capabilities to analyze and influence player behavior. And unlike the one-size-fits-all signup incentives provided by legacy systems, Foundation HQ’s incentives can always be proportional to the player’s spend level across machines and play sessions, allowing operators to target offers and incentives when and how they matter.

With Cashless Casino, Acres is pushing gambling technology forward to reinvigorate the industry. The future of the casino industry is dependent on adapting to and embracing the technology that is moving the gaming world forward. Leveraging real-time data allows casinos to measure and predict both the player’s experience and the player’s value during the gaming session. Any of these events can be used to earn or trigger a bonus ticket to make the player experience more fun, rewarding and profitable for the casino.

For more information, visit Acres at Booth 554.


The BMM Innovation Group (BIG) is a technology conglomerate providing world-class testing, inspection, compliance and certification services, along with cutting-edge solutions across the cyber and media sectors for the global gaming industry.

The BIG companies serve as close partners to tribal gaming suppliers, operators and regulators, providing not just product testing and certification, but training and consultation to tribal enterprises across North America.

The BIG companies include:

BMM Testlabs, the longest-established and most experienced independent gaming certification lab in the world, provides technical and regulatory compliance services to the tribal gaming industry and leads the industry in Class II testing and certification.

BIG Cyber, dedicated to 24/7 cybersecurity defense, utilizes the most advanced and secure technology available within the cybersecurity sector.

RG24seven Virtual Training offers free, best-in-class compliance-grade training and education for gaming company employees, with virtual courses covering anti-money laundering, human trafficking awareness, corporate social responsibility, testing & compliance and casino games and technology.

BIG is focused on strengthening the global gaming industry’s product compliance, enterprise performance and staff knowledge and capabilities to protect the gaming industry and all who play.

BIG has its origins in BMM Testlabs, the world’s original and leading gaming product certification lab since 1981, with business operations and gaming labs in the United States, Canada, Australia, Singapore, Macau, South Africa, Peru, Argentina, Brazil, Spain, Italy, Slovenia, Romania and Poland.

For more information on BMM Testlabs, visit For more information on BIG Cyber, visit For more information on RG24seven Virtual Training, visit


Cuningham is an integrated design firm providing architecture, interior design, landscape architecture and planning services. The firm chooses to address society’s most pressing challenges through its work, emphasizing ecological and social well-being in everything it does. Cuningham is trusted by sovereign nations throughout the country as well as gaming and entertainment industry leaders such as MGM Resorts International, Las Vegas Sands Corporation, Caesars Entertainment, Universal Studios and Walt Disney Imagineering. With offices across the U.S. operating under a highly collaborative studio structure, Cuningham professionals push the boundaries of design every day to create a more resilient future.

The firm’s approach leverages expertise across gaming and hospitality, entertainment, health care, education, residential and commercial spaces to help tribal clients diversify their offerings to appeal to the next generation of customers and to maintain self-sufficiency in their communities for decades to come.

CuninghamCuningham’s forward-thinking design approach increases the experiential value of spaces while creating operationally efficient environments. The firm also excels at creating complex designs that are tied together through engaging storytelling. Cuningham is committed to designing meaningful places that respectfully honor and preserve culture while creating opportunities for communities to prosper.

Cuningham’s recent collaborations with tribal clients extend throughout California and the Pacific Northwest. Projects include continued work with the Rincon Band of Luiseño Indians at Harrah’s Southern California Resort on the interior renovation of their Dive Inn Hotel, and with the Spokane Tribe in Washington on a new hotel opening this year. Other clients include the Santa Rosa Rancheria Tachi-Yokut Tribe, Ione Band of Miwok Indians, Colville Confederated Tribes, Squaxin Island Tribe and the Nez Perce Tribe.

For more information, visit


Eclipse Gaming, a leading provider of engaging slot games and innovative solutions, is dedicated to creating entertaining gaming experiences that excite players. Specializing in the tribal gaming market and select commercial sectors, Eclipse Gaming’s products deliver measurable results and engage audiences like never before.

The company offers a diverse range of video slot games and cutting-edge slot cabinets, including the premium portrait cabinet IMPACT 49, the portrait platform IMPACT 43, and the dual-screen cabinet IMPACT 27.

Located in Duluth, Georgia, Eclipse Gaming operates from a state-of-the-art 40,000-square-foot campus and manufacturing center. The company’s workforce spans the United States, with a focus on recruiting STEAM professionals to drive its continued growth.

Eclipse Gaming is committed to achieving impactful results that benefit its partners and contribute to the communities it serves, all while prioritizing its core value of “Going Beyond the Game.”

EclipseEclipse will showcase six slot titles at IGA 2024 and will debut four never-before seen titles. Among the exciting releases is Roughneck Riches, a three-reel-one-line game packed with multiplier wilds, random credit features, and opportunities for symbol upgrades to keep players on the edge of their seats.

Gem Link Deluxe, the latest installment in the fan-favorite Gem Link series, will feature emeralds, diamonds and rubies on reels, offering players credit upgrades, collect features and

doubled diamond values for an exhilarating gaming experience. Big Shake 2 is the new addition to the thrilling Big Shake series. This game is guaranteed to delight players with its retro theme, coin pusher mechanic, customizable soundtrack and most of all its charismatic host, Jackpot! Treasures of Teo will also be unveiled—this adventurous new game gives players a chance to spin again and again… until the Treasures of Teo are revealed.

For more information you can visit us at Booth 754 and online at


Everi’s mission is to lead the gaming industry through the power of people, imagination and technology. As one of the largest suppliers of technology solutions for the casino floor with an expanding focus in adjacent industries, Everi is committed to continually developing products and services that provide gaming entertainment, improve patron engagement and help customers operate their businesses more efficiently.

The company develops entertaining game content and gaming machines, gaming systems and services for land-based, iGaming and bingo operators. With beginnings rooted in tribal gaming, Everi remains committed to partnering with casino operators to deliver novel entertainment experiences to their players while ensuring they generate high returns on their investment in its products.

EveriKnown for its high-performing standards across the gaming space, Everi plans to continue developing engaging player experiences and award-worthy products. Everi also prides itself on a unique online library of award-winning stepper, video slot and progressive jackpot content. The compelling and distinct Everi Digital gaming catalog is delivered through the proprietary Spark Remote Game Server and now consists of more than 70 distinct titles, with more on the way.

Everi has helped tribal operators meet the emerging mobile ecosystem with the Digital Neighborhood, representing a complete suite of financial, casino loyalty and compliance products and services that bring commonality and continuity to operator workflows. The growth of the Digital Neighborhood and Everi’s BeOn Mobile Services demonstrates the company’s leadership position and highlights Everi’s ability to develop solutions that incorporate customer-centric features across loyalty, payments and casino operations.

As the preeminent provider of trusted financial technology solutions that power the casino floor, Everi has positioned itself as the industry’s fintech leader and a strategic partner for forward-thinking customers. The collective goal: improve operational efficiencies while fulfilling regulatory compliance requirements. Everi’s robust collection of integrated products, services and kiosks facilitates convenient and secure financial access transactions, while providing self-service player loyalty tools and applications, as well as regulatory and intelligence software.

For more information, visit


Over its 45 years, HBG Design has built a focused specialty in the gaming/entertainment and hospitality industry. The firm’s 100 architects, interior designers and building professionals in the Memphis, San Diego and Dallas offices are industry specialists who guide their approach to innovation and best practices in every programmatic casino resort element, from the gaming floor to non-gaming amenities—including the hotel, spa, pool, F&B and event and conference space. This dedicated industry expertise has led to HBG Design’s national recognition as the No. 2 Casino Design Firm by Building Design & Construction and the No. 3 Hospitality and Entertainment Design Firm by Hotel Business, based on annual design revenues.

HBG DesignHBG Design is excited to announce that hospitality and entertainment design veteran Ray Mabry, AIA, LEED AP BD+C, has joined the firm as HBG’s new Dallas office leader and principal. Mabry is a longtime Dallas resident whose 24-year career in architecture has taken him across the country and around the world as a design leader, working for the last 20 years with HKS Architects, Dallas. Mabry serves HBG Design clients as principal-in-charge and project manager, forging new frontiers for HBG, nationally and regionally.

Within the Dallas/North Texas resort market, a new star has emerged on the event entertainment scene—Lucas Oil Live at the Chickasaw Nation’s Winstar World Casino & Resort in Thackerville, Oklahoma. This impressively cutting-edge, 6,500-seat venue design by HBG offers a symphony of acoustics, aesthetics and operational excellence, setting a new standard for live entertainment in the region. WinStar’s Session House Gastropub connects Lucas Oil Live with the new 16-story, 304-key Spa Tower and full-service, European-style WinStar Spa. Guests also will enjoy WinStar’s five-acre Cascades pool complex for outdoor sun-soaked entertainment, featuring seven architecturally expressive bar and cabana structures, all designed by HBG Design.

For more information, visit


Imagine This helps clients transform their gifting programs into robust revenue and profit generators using proven techniques, resources and experience gleaned from more than 23 years in the gaming industry.

The approach the company takes with its signature Casino Continuity Program is unparalleled in the industry. Imagine This developed the program to be a true Variable Cost Promotion, making it risk-free, self-funding and immediately scalable, so clients can optimize their revenue and profit opportunities along with their cash flow.

Imagine This works with properties of all sizes and demographics. The Casino Continuity Program consists of a four-to-five-week gift offer, which is a powerful inflation buster. Clients who are new to this type of program, as well as veterans of this marketing approach, reach towering new heights by taking advantage of Imagine This’ unmatched logistical capabilities, unique resources and financial strength.

Imagine This is the only supplier that can scale week-over-week, month-over-month and year-over-year without missing a beat. Scaling is the No. 1 factor needed to optimize clients’ revenue and profit. This is made possible through:

Proprietary Inventory Position: Imagine This produces and controls its own inventory, rather than relying on third-party providers.

Warehouse/Shipping Logistics: Imagine This eliminates the risk of non-delivery.

Robust Return Policy: Clients only pay for what they use. Player satisfaction is 100 percent guaranteed along with a full 100 percent return policy they can rely on.

Reliability: Players are assured to receive what they came in for and won’t get turned away or offered something else.

Imagine ThisQuality Products: Complete control over the production of the gifts that are manufactured by Imagine This factories ensures the highest perceived value.

Vetted Gifts: Product successes are tracked to make sure only proven winners are offered to clients.

With more than $50 million in ready-to-ship, proven high-quality gifts that players will love, the Imagine This team can help clients take advantage of the program’s many benefits at any time.

To book an impressive presentation, call Imagine This at 800-491-4900 and ask for Alisa French or Adam Bullock.