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Leadership for the Future

It’s no mistake that the cover of the 2009 issue of Tribal Government Gaming includes some of the most legendary leaders in the recorded history of Indian Country. History is important for Native Americans because it demonstrates that they have survived through the most difficult times, racist overseers and inhumanities visited upon few other people in the world.

The editors of TGG believe that the importance of tribal leaders will only increase as tribal gaming moves into its third decade. The original tribal gaming leaders are almost as legendary as those who faced down the insurmountable odds of a U.S. government gone wild with expansion late in the 19th and early in the 20th centuries. Richard Hayward and Ralph Sturgis in Connecticut; Chief Philip Martin in Mississippi; Richard Milanovich and Anthony Pico in California; Marge Anderson in Minnesota; the Billie clan in Florida; Ron Allen in Washington… I must stop here because I could fill this entire column just by listing some of the names that blazed the trail for tribal gaming (with apologies to any I neglected to name).

For it is leadership that will cement the respectability of Indian gaming across the country. While gaming has undoubtedly been good for Indian Country, there is so much more to do. And the emergence of new leaders is crucial to its continued development.

The five leaders we decided to profile in this issue are, as a group, extraordinary. But as individuals, they have that humility and passion to serve their tribes, their communities, their families and their nation that goes above and beyond the normal call of duty. If Indian Country had only these five leaders, I would be confident it would do fine. But because these five leaders are just a sample of the talent, commitment and dedication that is demonstrated by up-and-coming leaders of almost every tribe, I have no fears whatsoever that Indian gaming will be in good hands for generations to come.

As an example of what the “first generation” of leaders created for Indian Country, don’t miss the study conducted by Katherine Spilde Contreras, the chair of the Sycuan Institute on Tribal Gaming at San Diego State University, and  Jonathan B. Taylor, the president of Taylor Policy Group. The executive summary of their findings, on page 24, is fascinating and uplifting.

But there are still hurdles to overcome, especially in light of the economy. Matt Sodl and Steve Rittvo of the Innovation Group explain how the economy has hit the tribal gaming industry, especially when it comes to financing. For any tribe that has plans for expansion or even new properties, this is a must-read.

Last January’s Supreme Court decision, Carcieri v. Salazar, has clearly put a damper on expansion for Indian gaming. Former BIA official Carl Artman explains some of the ramifications, while Jake Coin of the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians calls for congressional action to right the Supreme Court wrong.

It seems every issue of TGG, Judith Shapiro is begging me for more time because the Class II regulations are so fluid and changing right up to deadline. Even this year, when the National Indian Gaming Commission has abandoned its efforts to draw that “bright line” between Class II and Class III machines, Shapiro found uncomfortable legal implications on all sides.

Another annual feature on tribal regulation is again an important read, as author David Ross talks to some of the most powerful regulators in Indian Country on the need for diligence and steadfastness, especially at the tribal level, the first bulwark for regulators.

Ernie Stevens, the chairman of the National Indian Gaming Association, recounts the organization’s efforts in Washington, D.C. While the Obama administration seems to be “Indian-friendly,” he advises all to be attentive to the myriad of issues that are front-and-center at the federal level.

So in this, our seventh edition of Tribal Government Gaming, I would like to thank our writers-clearly the best in the business-who bring to you the most cutting-edge and informative pieces in any Indian gaming publication. We could not have put together such a quality magazine without their help. 

Class Clown

Now that the dust has settled over the last round of NIGC Class II proposals, it is time to evaluate what has already happened, what is current, and what might happen next.        

Over the last five years, the NIGC proposed several views, reviews, revisions and final thoughts about what it believed would finally provide the “bright line” between, on the one hand, Class II technologic aids and, on the other, Class III gaming permitted only pursuant to a compact or procedures. The commission’s efforts to provide that bright line never wavered, but the line never became clear. Finally, and to the resounding cheers of many who had followed the NIGC’s progress, Chairman Phil Hogen announced last summer that he would withdraw his proposed classification standards. 

The actual withdrawal did not occur until October, at the same time that the commission published its final technical standards to govern Class II games, and its Minimum Internal Control Standards (MICS). Although the NIGC thereafter dismissed its Tribal Advisory Committees and then empaneled a new committee to advise on further MICS development, the NIGC has not spoken much about Class II in recent months.

Except when the chairman confirms that he still believes a bright line is needed. His statements mirror the text of the public notice withdrawing the proposed classification standards: “The withdrawal does not mean that the commission believes ‘one-touch’ bingo games are Class II,” says Hogen. “Going forward, the commission intends to address this and other classification issues through a combination of training, technical assistance, and enforcement actions.”

Evolution, Not Revolution
Both the rules to govern Class II technical standards and MICS, as promulgated, were greatly changed from their originally proposed form, thanks to the involvement of a Class II working group composed of tribal leaders, tribal regulators, tribal attorneys and industry experts whose suggested modifications to better reflect the technological reality of Class II gaming systems. At the end of a spirited process, the MICS and technical standards were not only transformed in structure, but acknowledged that regulation of a Class II gaming system was different from oversight of multiple Class III gaming devices. Although the working group felt that some of the NIGC’s late changes demonstrated residual confusion about Class II game play, the final rules could, at least, be understood in the context of issues presented by a Class II operation. Those rules are now in effect, and independent gaming laboratories have begun the task of testing Class II equipment to permit compliance certification.

While Chairman Hogen has not publicly embarked on any new classification initiatives, Class II is still generating regulatory interest. As some tribal observers have expected, states remain jealous of the ability of tribes to engage in Class II gaming outside state control. That ability built the impressive gaming operation in place at multiple sites maintained by the Seminole Tribe of Florida, and is also the principal leverage for the Seminole Tribe’s migration to Class III operations. So long as Class II games remain attractive to customers, even compacted tribes can consider the option of placing Class II systems on the floor independent of state jurisdiction-and generate a revenue stream independent of state demands for revenue sharing. It is not surprising that exercise of that tribal right has caused some consternation.

California Dreamin’
In California, economic reality has reduced the value of expanded Class III gaming to below the new cost of the “fair share” gaming compacts. After months of operation under the new compacts, some tribes have found the incremental revenues of the new games to be dwarfed by the greatly enhanced revenue share obligation, making the state the primary beneficiary of expanded Class III operations. As a result, some tribes are exploring changing out some of their floor space to Class II games whose revenue stream need not carry the additional burden of state payments.  The state is not amused.

The California Gambling Control Commission (CGCC) has expressed interest in examining Class II games that some tribes have chosen to place on their floors as an alternative to the Class III expansion. The CGCC asserts that it is entitled, under the compact, to determine whether “Class II games” are no more than Class III games with a thin veneer of bingo, as to which the state may claim payments. But IGRA accords tribes exclusive regulatory authority over Class II games, with oversight by the NIGC. The statute permits state involvement only in Class III gaming, and only pursuant to the terms of a compact. Tribes reject CGCC involvement in regulation of Class II gaming. The new “bright line” discussion continues to be the proper distinction, under IGRA, between Class II technological aids, subject only to tribal regulation, and Class III devices subject to regulation through a tribal/state compact. But now the growing question is: who decides where that line falls?

The Sycuan Tribe, in southern California, has been operating Class II games alongside its compacted Class III devices. The Sycuan Gaming Commission has dealt with inquiries from both the NIGC and the CGCC with respect to the status of its games.

Not satisfied with a Class II checklist apparently utilized by those agencies, the Sycuan Gaming Commission has begun to structure a regulatory process to provide a more meaningful discussion of the distinction. It intends to create a regulatory product permitting classification judgments premised on the foundation of broad and deep understanding of what constitutes Class II gaming under the IGRA. As such, the Sycuan Tribal Gaming Commission is planning for an information-gathering proceeding of a kind never before undertaken in Indian Country.

In early May, the Tribal Gaming Commission is expected to convene a hearing to take testimony, both oral and written, on the subject of Class II gaming under the IGRA, the development of technologic aids, the development of regulation and classification of those aids, and the different approaches to resolving the conflicts about which features are critical to game classification. Witnesses will include those with years of experience in traditional and evolving bingo halls, those who participated in the drafting of the IGRA legislation, and others who struggled with the regulation of the games as the technology developed. Collectively, they must address the possibilities for implementing the three IGRA criteria for bingo in ways not contemplated when the peak of technological choice was choosing the color of a dauber.

Congress stated its intent that tribes have the fullest possible use of new and evolving technology. If they are to benefit, the tribes must constantly evaluate how that evolving technology might be deployed while preserving the distinction Congress created between Class II and Class III games. But doing so must not harm legitimate Class II gaming, the one class of commercially viable gaming that Congress protected as the tribe’s exclusive preserve. Tribes have a profound interest in retaining this aspect of their governmentally operated economic enterprise.

Tribal regulators have deep expertise in regulating within that preserve. The Sycuan Gaming Commission is poised to begin the next effort to provide meaningful game classification, as guidance for its own facility, for state and federal regulators. Other tribes, seeking to keep and clarify control over their own operations, might benefit from the effort. And all of us will learn from the information assembled.

Second Generation

Leadership is a nebulous quality. There are many ways to lead: by example, by dictate, by design, by humility, with compassion, using fear or intimidation, and many others.

In Indian Country, leadership carries with it an important mantle. In a community where poverty has been a constant companion; where achievement has often been stifled by educational challenges; and where the best and the brightest are often not recognized, emerging leaders are becoming increasingly important.

Thankfully, Native America has produced important leaders during the most difficult times for their people. That was true when gaming became an economic generator in Indian Country. Gaming was never a slam-dunk for tribes. It was always a struggle with seemingly insurmountable hurdles thrown up at every turn. Yet the tribal leaders persisted until gaming became a reality and the lives of tribal members improved in many ways.   
Today, the “second generation” of leaders in the gaming era has to continue the momentum begun by the tribal forefathers. The five leaders we profile here are not only tribal leaders, however. They are leaders in the political arena, the commercial sector and the financial world. 

While these five leaders are notable for their achievements and their vision for the future, they represent an entire generation of leaders who will determine the future of their tribes and the future of Indian gaming. So while we celebrate their accomplishments and their ambition, we recognize their time has only just arrived and their mark on Indian Country has only begun to be written.

Each of these leaders employs different strategies and diverse paths in their roles and their relationships with their tribes, but let there be no doubt that their leadership is appreciated and noted. 


National Stage
Ernie Stevens, Jr.
Chairman, National Indian Gaming Association

Anyone who has ever heard Ernie Stevens, a member of the Oneida Nation of Wisconsin, speak-and there have been many in the eight years he has served as chairman of the National Indian Gaming Association-knows that he reveres tribal elders and the “pathbreakers” who blazed the trail for Indian Country, both in and out of gaming.

Even though he himself was honored with a “Pathbreakers” award at a special conference examining the 20 yeas of IGRA at Fort McDowell in Arizona last year, Stevens deflected the honor to speak about people he considered to be especially worthy of the award.

He started with his father, Ernie Stevens, Sr. The elder Stevens was a political activist for Native American causes and for a time worked at the Bureau of Indian Affairs in Washington, D.C.

Stevens speaks reverently of the man who undoubtedly bestowed upon him his passion for Native causes, and who has inspired him to speak so clearly and unambiguously when discussing Indian gaming at the federal level.

And then he moves on to his 98-year-old mother who survived the boarding school era and still speaks the language.

He then recognized another award-winning recipient that night at Fort McDowell, his immediate predecessor at NIGA and fellow Onieda member, Rick Hill.

“He was my counselor at the Boys Club back in the day,” laughs Stevens. “I would not be who I am today without his input.”

Stevens quotes leaders like Wendell Chino and Roger Jourdain, who stood strong against any intrusion into tribal sovereignty.

And it is who he is today that brings out the leadership quality in Stevens.

“These are the people who motivate us,” he says. “Our strong legal position and the power and heart of Indian people are what keep us going through everything.”

With increasing threats of federal oversight, a new administration in Washington, D.C., and, most importantly, the economic crisis, Stevens says the members of NIGA must make adjustments.

“We must take steps to maintain our strong employment base, keep our markets healthy and most importantly, find economic opportunities for those tribes that have little and no chance to capitalize on gaming.

“There’s too much work to do in Indian Country to rest on our laurels and simply reflect on the victories of the past. We must move forward in order to honor those who brought us to this point.”

With the Obama administration in office, Stevens hopes that many of the previous contentious issues that tribes endured with the federal government will not be so controversial.

With the recent Supreme Court decision challenging definitions of off-reservation lands, the administration and Congress will be challenged to pass legislation that addresses that issue.

And the recent move by the NIGC to not adopt changes to the Class II formulas is something of a victory. But Stevens refuses to call it such, and says that he will continue to oppose NIGC regulations that he believes tread on tribal sovereignty, including the agency’s assertion it has the right and duty to regulate Class III gaming.

“We’ve proved in court they were wrong, but that’s old news now,” he says. “Let’s move forward and protect this industry. We shouldn’t have a federal government telling us what’s best for us. That’s over.”

Stevens says another thrust in Indian Country has to be government-to-government relations, even beyond the federal level.

“Working on economic development with the surrounding communities and other tribes is probably the most important thing we can do for Indian Country,” he says.

Stevens may reflect on being the “second generation” in Indian gaming leadership but he’s already preparing for the third.

“My son just got elected to tribal council,” he says, “like me and my father before me. It’s just meant to be.”


The Commercial Spirit
Tracy Stanhoff
President and Creative Director, AD PRO

For some leaders, the call comes from the past and from far afield. Tracy Stanhoff, a successful businesswoman who lived a long distance from the Kansas reservation, says she could not stay away when many tribal members asked her to take over the leadership of the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation after the previous tribal chairman resigned.

“My grandparents were removed from the reservation during the Depression,” she explains, “and placed on the Navajo reservation, as many other Natives were. My parents then went to Los Angeles during the encouraged relocation of the 1950s. So I considered it important to answer that call.”

It was in southern California that Stanhoff developed her business, AD PRO, a full-service advertising and graphic design company. She put that business in the hands of her staff during her time as chairwoman.

“When I ran for chairman,” she says, “I won with what was then the most votes in the history of the tribe.”

Stanhoff says gaming has been very good for her tribe.

“Before gaming, there were no paved roads on the reservation,” she remembers. “We’re a progressive tribe, a proud people. And I believe we’re the poster child of what’s gone right in Indian gaming in this country.  We used to depend on government grants for all our services on the reservation. Now we have a beautiful government building, recreation facilities, a Boys and Girls Club, health-care facilities and more. Our road system has been built up. Our infrastructure has been improved. A lot of our people are able to come back to the reservation and live on the land. There are jobs that allow this to happen.”

Challenges remain, but gaming has led the way.

“We still have a housing shortage, but because of gaming, we’re able to address that,” says Stanhoff. “From low-income housing, senior citizen apartments, temporary housing for those in transition. While we’ve seem some layoffs in the economic downturn, most people are employed or at least more employable than they ever were before because of gaming.”

In addition to the tribe, Stanhoff says the casino has meant much for the non-tribal community, as well.

“I believe we’ve led a renaissance in northeastern Kansas,” she says. “We’ve spurred the multiplier effect in the area of our reservation. Our fire and police departments have reciprocal agreements with the surrounding communities.”

Stanhoff’s short time as chairwoman spanned an important time for the tribe and included the transition from Harrah’s management to tribal management of its casino. She says the desire to operate the casino and keep all the profits was a two-edged sword.

“Harrah’s management did get us up to speed quickly and they taught us a lot about best practices which we adopted,” Stanhoff explains. “On the other hand, they considered all of their systems and methods proprietary so when they left, it was like starting over from scratch: the computer systems, the players club, HR, marketing… they all had to be replaced.”

And the technical aspects of the turnover was also quite demanding.

“While we owned our players list, just getting it separated from the Harrah’s data was a challenge,” she says.

Stanhoff stepped down only 18 months after taking the job, faced with opposition from some tribal members.

“It wasn’t many members, just a few,” she explains. “Even though I am an enrolled member, because I wasn’t from the reservation, there was some problem with that. But this group was just disgruntled and it wouldn’t matter who was in charge, they would oppose them.”

Stanhoff has returned to lead her company to new heights. It’s the “full service” designation that makes her company unique.

“One of the things we’ve done that makes us different from other graphic design companies is that we do vertical integration,” she says. “We do actual production in house and have all the equipment we need to actually produce the physical piece.”

While she has many Native American clients, she says her business serves both large and small companies.

“Our largest clients are major corporations in the United States: Boeing, American Honda, a lot of energy companies on the West Coast.”    

As president of the American Indian Chamber of Commerce, Stanhoff hopes to lead other companies by her example.

“I never faced any barriers I could not overcome,” she says.


Preserving the Empire
Bruce “Two Dogs” Boszum

Mohegan Tribal Council Chairman

For a small tribe in southeastern Connecticut to develop what is arguably the most respected gaming company in the U.S. is impressive. But to keep that momentum and continue forward is the charge of Bruce “Two Dogs” Boszum, the chairman of the Mohegan Tribal Council.

Boszum was first elected to the tribal council in 2004, and was appointed to lead the council one year later. Because he respects the traditions of the tribe-he is also a designated “pipe carrier” who presides at all important events-he understands the importance of those who came before.

“We always pay respect to our elders as people who got us to where we are today-Chief Ralph Sturgis and all the members of the council in those days,” he says. “It’s a good feeling to know that they had the mindset to secure things for the future of our tribes. It’s our responsibility now, to preserve what 13 generations have tried so hard to do.”

With seemingly a constantly depressed economy in the Mohegans’ part of the state, Boszum says gaming has been beneficial.

“We were all on our own for all of our history before gaming,” he says. “Once the casino was open, it gave us some tools to pay for our education, our health costs, the welfare of our people. It’s been a funding mechanism for tribal government.”

And the surrounding towns have also benefitted, he explains.

“For the local community-Montville, Uncasville and other locations around us-we contribute 25 percent of our slot revenue to the state of Connecticut,” he says. “While we don’t pay property taxes, we are involved in local events, helping with infrastructure like sidewalks and roads.

“We also spend close to $500 million in goods and services each year in Connecticut alone. We try to keep it in the state. And that creates about 20,000 jobs outside the casino in new businesses that have opened up in Connecticut to service the industry.”

The Mohegan Sun has cooperated with state agencies to bring tourists back to its corner of Connecticut, according to Boszum.

“Tourism had been dying out,” he says. “We worked with the tourism agencies to bring it back to life. We include local attractions like Mystic Seaport in packages we offer to our customers.”

Boszum says that diversification of the tribal economy isn’t as important with the Mohegans as it might be with other tribes because of the expertise they have developed in casino development and management.

“We’ve become the best in the world at what we do,” he says. “Our core values are outstanding. For now, we’re staying in the gaming business. We purchased Pocono Downs in Pennsylvania and opened a world-class casino there. We’ve been contacted by and are working with other tribes to help them manage and develop projects. Our brand is very strong and people look to us to help them.

“For right now, given the state of the economy, we’re very happy with the gaming business.”

Boszum says the tribe is happy working with the state, but it draws the line at giving up any sovereignty. A recent flap in which the state legislature is attempting to implement a smoking ban throughout the state, including the two casinos, has raised his ire.   

“For over 400 years in Connecticut, we’ve talked with the government,” he says. “I deal directly with the governor. There’s no committee, just a one-to-one relationship. The state is not going to come on this reservation and tell the tribe what we can and cannot do. Not under my watch.”

He says the issue isn’t smoking, it’s the state trying to impose its will on a sovereign nation.

“The hotel and all public space is non-smoking,” Boszum says. “You have to really hunt to find a place to smoke. About 82 percent of the entire facility is non-smoking, and going up to 85 percent soon. We banned smoking in all of our restaurants before the state of Connecticut made it a law.”

The Mohegan tribe is trying to tough out the recession by maintaining its workforce. So far, it’s working.

“We’ve had some problems, no doubt. But we have not done any layoffs up until now. And we have not touched any education or health benefits. We feel they are too important to cut back. We want to keep everybody working. When we let them know exactly what’s happening, they understand.”


Back to the Beginnings
Laura Spurr

Tribal Council Chairwoman, Nottawaseppi Huron Band of Potawatomi Indians

While the second generation of tribal gaming leadership usually means a tribe has opened at least one gaming facility, there still are a handful of tribes that are just taking the first step. And they are learning from their predecessors.

Laura Spurr, the tribal council chairwoman of the Nottawaseppi Huron Band of Potawatomi Indians in lower Michigan, is looking forward to her tribe’s first casino, the FireKeepers Casino east of Battle Creek, scheduled to open this summer.

“If you look at Indian casinos as a model,” she says, “I think there are some great lessons. Many started with bingo, especially here in Michigan. Most of them made responsible decisions about expansion and are financially solid right now.”

Like many of the original gaming tribes, gaming means a regeneration of the tribal community.

“For us, we did not have a great number of members locally who could work on this,” says Spurr. “Our members had dispersed into the major cities, so we’re trying to re-establish our tribe and bring them back.”

The Huron Band ran into many of the roadblocks encountered by other tribes-federal recognition, tribe-state relations, environmental issues, lawsuits attempting to stop casino development and much more. But it persevered and finally had lined up all the requisite approvals in late 2007.

But then, the economy had started to tank, and the tribe’s dream of opening a casino seemed to have evaporated. But still, Spurr and the council refused to surrender.  

“We were working with Merrill Lynch and met with them on a regular basis to move forward,” she says. “In the first quarter of 2008, we finally had a plan. The financing was a difficult process but we did everything we had to do and it was well-received. We have several strict covenants, but we were able to move forward.

“On May 6, 2008, we finalized the funding and on May 7 the construction company got started. We didn’t even have time for a groundbreaking.”

The dream continues to live today, even though the initial years after recognition were difficult.

“When our tribe was recognized in 1995, we received $196,000 from the Bureau of Indian Affairs,” Spurr explains. “While this is much less than other tribes in the same situation have gotten, we were still able to use this money to build the infrastructure for the tribe. We were able to build a community center, a health clinic and 16 houses on the reservation with Housing and Urban Development funds. We completed all this on time and on budget. We have taken advantage of all the opportunities that being a federally recognized tribe affords us.

“We knew we had to have a healthy and thriving government before we got into gaming and that has helped us prepare for the hurdles we have now overcome.”

While it may seem that Michigan is gaming-saturated with 23 casinos, Spurr says the secret to the FireWalkers casino is location.

“If you look at a map, Detroit is more than 100 miles to our east and Four Winds (a casino operated by the Pokagon Band in New Buffalo, Michigan) is more than 100 miles to the west, and to the north, it’s at least 100 miles to the nearest casino. So we have a radius of 100 miles or more of no competition. This includes towns such as Battle Creek, Jackson, Lansing, Kalamazoo, and even Fort Wayne in Indiana. Yes, there are 23 casinos in Michigan, but a very large land mass. So that’s a lot of space. The only place that is really congested is Detroit, where there are three.”

For that reason, Andre Hilliou, the president of the tribe’s management company, Full House Resorts, fears that the casino will be “capacity constrained” soon after opening. Spurr says she’s conservative, so will wait for further expansion.

“We’re starting with just a casino, restaurants and bars,” she says. “There are plenty of hotel rooms located near the casino so I don’t think we’ll have any problem with that. It may come up in the future.”

Asked where she hopes the tribe will be in five years, she says, “Debt free!”


Youth Be Served
Shan Lewis
Vice Chairman, Fort Mohave Indian Tribe

If there was a trifecta in Indian gaming, the Fort Mohave tribe may have hit it.

Its small reservation spans three states-Nevada, Arizona and California-all with some form of tribal government gaming. Shan Lewis, the vice chairman of the tribe, says, despite the paperwork, the tribe has some great opportunities.

“It’s an advantage,” says Lewis. “It’s not new to us working with three states. We have law enforcement issues, water issues, land issues… so we’re accustomed to having to deal with multiple jurisdictions, towns and agencies.”

The first tribal casino, the Avi Casino Resort, was opened in extreme southern Nevada, on the Colorado River, a few miles from Laughlin in the early 1990s.

“We don’t consider ourselves competitive with Laughlin,” says Lewis. “We cater to the local residents in the three states. We’re a favorite spot for the river crowd during the summer and the snowbirds in the winter. That’s our unique market; our niche. It’s two different worlds.

“Most people like the fact that we’re not surrounded by other casinos and we’re out by ourselves. We’ve got a golf course that Laughlin does not have anymore.”

The Fort Mohave agreement with Nevada was much easier than any other tribal gaming compact, suggests Lewis.

“Although I wasn’t around at the time, I believe the establishment of the casino in Nevada was relatively straightforward because Nevada has always had gaming,” he says. “We just needed to register with the Nevada Gaming Commission and follow their rules and regulations and we were permitted to open. The compact with Nevada is tiny compared to the ones with Arizona and California.”

Prior to gaming, Lewis says the Fort Mohave economy was a struggle.

“We were a tribe that depended a lot on agriculture before gaming came along,” he says. “The results of gaming allowed the tribe to improve the services to our members. It provided jobs on the reservation. It allowed us to venture out to bring other things to the reservation, although gaming is still the number-one revenue generator.”    

Nonetheless, the tribe has always sought to diversify its economy, according to Lewis.

“We wanted to diversify so we don’t rely on just gaming,” he says. “We have our own power and utilities company, our own water company and gas stations, smoke shops, tire centers, restaurants and other businesses. Gaming has created a lot of opportunities for us and we have to take advantage of them in case gaming becomes less important.”

Even within the gaming sector, Lewis says the tribe understands that gaming is just an amenity.

“Tourism is as important as gaming,” he insists. “This plays a big part in our marketing. Gaming is hardly even mentioned. We have plenty of non-gaming events, as well.”

Lewis is one of the youngest tribal officials in Arizona, in his early 30s, and when he talks about his predecessors, he is somewhat awestruck.  

“So much is owed to the past tribal leaders,” he says. “Being fairly new, I hear the stories. The challenges were immense and I can’t even believe they were able to overcome them. The way the tribes came together in Arizona to agree on one thing was a major accomplishment.”

His goal is to improve the lives of the Fort Mohave tribal members.

“We want to continue to build on our economic development to make lives better for our tribal members,” he says. “Money makes the world go around, so in order to provide better services, you need money. We certainly can streamline policies and procedures to provide better service, but money is important.”

And as important as the past leaders are, Lewis can’t help to look to the future.

“My children are tribal members, so anything that I do to improve the tribe, I’m helping my family, as well. My life is so much better because of what tribal elders did for us years ago, and I just want to honor them by providing the same service to the tribe.”

Blazing the Trail

Indian gaming is a relatively new phenomenon. If someone had casually mentioned driving to an Indian reservation to play blackjack in 1978, they’d have been sent to a padded room for observation. But in less than a generation, Indian casinos have become an economic force to be reckoned with-a billion-a-year business, and growing. In addition, the social, political, and cultural impact of Indian gaming goes far beyond dice and slot machines. It has lead to a historic reversal of United States-Indian relations. Once denied their land, forced to assimilate, and marginalized from society, American Indians have gained increasing economic and political power in the last 30 years. And casinos are a big part of the reason.

But casinos didn’t magically appear on the American landscape. The current regime of Indian gaming wouldn’t have been possible without the hard work, perseverance and foresight of dozens of men and women. Indian gaming isn’t something that happened; it’s something that was created deliberately.

We are fortunate to still have most of the innovators and mavericks who created American Indian gaming still with us. Though the general public is still ignorant of the true complexity and significance of the Indian gaming phoenix, those close to the industry know much of the “real story.” And, most importantly, those who built the industry into what it is today are still here, sharing their stories.

It would be impossible to list, let alone chronicle the contributions of everyone who contributed to the advent of Indian gaming. But there are some people whose involvement is noteworthy for both the impact it had and its symbolic importance. Of this group, we are featuring a small fraction in these pages. This is not a definitive list of the most important men and women in Indian gaming; it is merely a way of starting the conversation.

First, some background to put the enormity of the Indian gaming victory in context.

From the initial colonization of the North American mainland by European settlers in the 17th century, the new arrivals systematically pushed Native Americans from their lands. United States policy explicitly sought to end Indian independence: with the passage of the Dawes Severalty Act in 1877, the government actively worked to suppress all traces of traditional culture and language and dissolve tribal governments as legal, land-owning entities. By the turn of the 20th century, Indian land holdings had shrunk to a fraction of their former size.  

By the 1930s, it was clear that such policies had not helped Indians assimilate into white American life or achieve material success. So reformers launched an “Indian New Deal.” The Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 brought back collective land ownership and established procedures for self-government. But these efforts did little to improve the lives of Indians. Starting in the late 1960s, budget deficits throughout the nation led many jurisdictions to embrace lotteries and, later, casinos. The national plight of American Indians even more serious, as unemployment, under-employment, and lack of opportunity remained endemic of reservation life. Around this time, the federal government renewed its commitment to encouraging the political, cultural, and economic self-determination and self-sufficiency of Indian tribes.

So it made sense when, in these years, tribes sought to use their last remaining assets-sovereignty and reservation lands-to their benefit. With little possibility for commercial or industrial development and a growing tide of legalization around the country, gaming made perfect sense to tribes desperate for advancement. But few could have predicted just how effective it would become, thanks to the diligence of the men and women chronicled here-and thousands who shared their dedication.


First Things First 
Ginny Boylan

Virginia W. Boylan has been deeply involved in Indian law for over 20 years. As deputy staff director and senior counsel to the U.S. Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, she was responsible for legislation and oversight of federal management of Indian trust resources and economic and social services programs, environment, economic development, gaming, energy and minerals development, water and land claim settlements, federal recognition issues, housing and education.

Boylan, currently a partner at Drinker Biddle and Reath, LLP, started work on the bill that became the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act in 1987, at the behest of new Indian Affairs Committee Chairman Daniel Inouye, who had long championed a congressional role in Indian gaming. Two weeks after the bill was introduced, the Cabazon decision unleashed a flood of interest in the bill. In getting the bill passed into law, Boylan pivotally worked to balance pressure coming from several sides: Indian tribes, congressional representatives and the administration.

At the time, neither Boylan nor the bill’s proponents foresaw the large-scale development of Class III gaming. In an era of shrinking federal appropriations for Indian country, Boylan thought IGRA would help bolster Indian economic development and self-determination; her biggest surprise today is that tribes are in the role of providing money to states.

According to Boylan, the bill’s proponents felt commercial gaming would overwhelm Indian gaming, and that they had to pass the bill before this window of opportunity closed. “Instead,” she recently recalled, “states have seen the benefit of confining gaming to tribes, and as a result, both tribes and states have benefited.”


House Edge 
Frank Ducheneaux

Frank Ducheneaux has had a long and distinguished role as a key legislative advocate for Indian interests. As legal counsel for U.S. Congress committees charged with Indian policy, he served a pivotal role in shepherding many bills into law, including the Menominee Restoration Act, the American Indian Religious Freedom Act and several other laws that have a significance far broader than gaming. He blended a tireless support for the rights of Indians with an understanding of the legislative process, and is rightfully recognized as one of the framers of the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act.

Joining the staff of the House Interior Committee in 1973, Ducheneaux served on the committee-and its successors-until 1990, after which he continued his work as an attorney, consultant and member of the Minnesota Indian Gaming Association.

A member of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe of South Dakota, Duchenaux made history when he became the first Native American to serve as legal counsel to the Interior Committee, giving unprecedented influence on shaping congressional Indian policy.

Ducheneaux exerted his greatest influence on the development of Indian gaming as one of the architects of 1988’s Indian Gaming Regulatory Act, the pivotal piece of legislation that provided the regulatory framework for Class III casino-style gaming on Indian reservations. The idea of an act to systematize Indian gaming had been floating around Congress for a few years, but the Supreme Court’s ruling in the Cabazon case in 1987 jumps-tarted the process.

Back in 1987, it would have been hard to believe that Indian reservations would host a multi-billion dollar-a-year business, but the passage of IGRA in 1988 made the possible. Though Frank Ducheneaux’s legislative legacy is impressive, he deserves equal credit for his role in helping create the framework for this economic and social dynamo.


Legal Action 
Glenn Feldman

Without Glenn Feldman’s legal expertise, Indian gaming might have developed quite differently. Feldman, currently a shareholder in the law firm of Mariscal, Weeks, McIntyre & Friedlander of Phoenix, Arizona, has focused on federal Indian law throughout his career. In 1987 he successfully argued the landmark tribal gaming case, California v. Cabazon Band of Mission Indians, before the United States Supreme Court.

Winning a case before the highest court in the land would be the pinnacle of any attorney’s career, but Feldman doesn’t rest on his laurels; he still serves as general counsel of the Cabazon Band, a position he has held since 1979 without interruption, and has continued to advise many other tribes.

After leaving Capitol Hill in 1979, Feldman joined former South Dakota Senator James Abourezk, for whom he had worked in the Senate in private law practice. Since Abourezk had a background in Indian affairs, several tribes sought their services.

The first tribe to do so was the Cabazon Band of Mission Indians, who in the coming year found themselves enmeshed in the first of a series of court cases. When, in 1980, the tribe’s leaders chose to open a card game under California’s “local option” law, police from the nearby city of Indio raided the newly-opened poker room, made several arrests, and declared the enterprise closed. For the next three years, the case wound its way upward to the 9th Circuit of Appeals. That court ultimately ruled that, since the card room wasn’t within the city’s jurisdiction, municipal authorities were powerless to close it.

Shortly thereafter, Riverside County sheriff’s deputies raided and closed the poker room. The county argued that its jurisdiction was incontestable, and the tribe sued to re-open yet again. After winning in both District Court and the 9th Circuit, Feldman and the Cabazon legal team learned in the summer of 1986 that the Supreme Court would hear the case. He felt confident, and knew that if he won the case would set precedents, though he had no way of knowing the magnitude of that precedent.

In the Cabazon decision, the Supreme Court ruled that, if a state permitted a certain type of gambling, its regulation was a matter of civil rather than criminal law, and therefore an Indian tribe whose reservation lies within that state’s borders has the sovereign right to run such games without state restriction. This case centered primarily on card rooms and bingo, though the court concluded that its implications went far beyond gambling: by running high-stakes games, the Cabazon Band was “generating value on the reservations through activities in which they have a substantial interest and they dedicate bingo revenues to promoting the health, education, and general welfare of the tribal members.”

Though Feldman knew he had a strong case, he concedes that, had the Supreme Court ruled against it, Congress likely wouldn’t have passed IGRA in the following year.

“No one could have predicted in 1987 that the Cabazon decision would open the door to a $25 billion tribal gaming industry,” he says, “but those of us who have been involved since the beginning and have seen the many benefits that gaming has brought to Indian Country are proud to have been a part of that history.”


Foxwoods Founder 
Richard “Skip” Hayward

Foxwoods Resort Casino is one of the largest casinos in the world, and perhaps the most striking illustration of the power of Indian gaming. Richard “Skip” Hayward is, more than anyone, responsible for both the improbable resurgence of the Mashantucket Pequot and the striking rise of Foxwoods.

Hayward refused to let the Pequot legacy fade after the death of his grandmother, Elizabeth George, who had for years been the sole remaining descendant of the Connecticut Indian tribe living on its small reservation. Securing first state and later federal recognition for the Mashantucket Pequots, Hayward tried several tribal business ventures before hitting the gaming jackpot: high-stakes bingo gave way, in 1992, to a full-fledged casino after Hayward negotiated a compact with Governor Lowell Weicker.

Foxwoods proved to be a casino powerhouse. Located between New York City and Boston, its success proved that New Englanders are just as willing to embrace gaming as those in other sections of the country. Though Hayward was deposed as tribal chairman in 1998, his contributions to both the Mashantucket Pequot and the Indian gaming industry are beyond debate.

Business Savvy 
Lyle Berman

Lyle Berman is one of the few Indian gaming pioneers who’s equally accomplished on both sides of the gaming tables. Berman was inducted into the Poker Hall of Fame in 2002, and he owns three World Series of Poker bracelets. But Berman isn’t counted among the most influential figures in Indian gaming history because of his card playing.

Berman helped to found Grand Casinos, which would become one of the first management companies hired by tribes to operate their casinos. He moved into the area almost by happenstance. He had recently sold his leather business, and a friend who had secured contracts to manage two bingo/slot parlors invited him to participate, chiefly because of his poker pedigree. Berman agreed and financed the start-up, becoming president.

After opening day at the Mille Lacs casino, Berman realized how lucrative the business could be, and he quickly took the company public. Berman parlayed his Minnesota success into a small gambling empire, with management contracts in several states. Berman recalls there being several differences between running a Indian casino and operating a private business. The managers are responsible to tribal leadership rather than their own interests, and leaders often let political or cultural concerns override concern for the bottom line.

Minnesota, Berman insists, has been a leader in Indian gaming since the earliest days, though the state has enforced some idiosyncratic rules. There were to be no slot machines, for example; only “video gaming terminals.”

At its peak, Grand also owned and operated three Mississippi casinos. When Park Place Entertainment absorbed Grand Casinos in 1998, Berman spun off its Indian gaming operations into Lakes Gaming, a company that became Lakes Entertainment in 2002. As partial owner of the World Poker Tour, Berman was instrumental in creating-and capitalizing on-the poker boom of the early 21st century.

Berman sees a far different landscape for management companies today than in years past. There aren’t many great opportunities for management companies, since most tribes that want gaming already have it. Still, the future for the industry as a whole is fantastic.

If you want to know, Berman says that running company successfully is a far greater thrill than winning a World Series of Poker tournament. Still poker has value for business, since it “teaches you ramifications for decision-making.” Playing poker, Berman became used to instantly knowing the results of his calculations and hunches, and immeasurably steeled his resolve in making tough choices from executive offices.


The Chairman 
Rick Hill

From a young age Rick Hill seemed destined to be a leader, but few could have predicted just how far he would go. Elected to the tribal council of the Oneida Tribe of Wisconsin at the age of 23, he was the youngest member ever to serve his tribe on the council. In 1983 he won election as tribal vice chairman, a post that his father had held for nearly 20 years before his death in that year. Hill’s star continued to rise, and he won the chairmanship of the Oneida in 1990.

Hill served as tribal chairman until 1993, when he stepped onto the national stage. In that year he was elected as chairman of the National Indian Gaming Association, the premier Indian gaming lobbying and public awareness organization. Hill remained chairman and chief spokesman for NIGA until 2001. His tenure as leader of the organization saw incredible victories for Indian gaming and Native Americans, and under his leadership NIGA more than doubled its membership

The changes during Hill’s years at the help of NIGA go far beyond the numbers. Presiding over the group during much of the 1990s, Hill helped to solidify the image of Indian gaming as a legitimate industry and responsible community member.

For Hill, Indian gaming has been a means to an end-the increasing economic empowerment of Native Americans. This goes far beyond casinos. A Washington, D.C., Marriott Residence Inn that opened in early 2005 epitomizes Hill’s vision for the future of American Indians. Under Hill’s guidance, four Indian tribes formed an unprecedented partnership. Joining together with Marriott, they invested in a non-gaming hotel with a perfect symbolic location, three blocks from the National Museum of the American Indian and only five blocks from the U.S. Capitol.


Seminole Sentinel
Jim Shore

Jim Shore is an Indian gaming pioneer whose accomplishments are nearly outweighed by the dramatic story of his life. Born on the Seminole’s Brighton Reservation near Okeechobee, Florida, Shore trained as an auto mechanic before an accident shattered his life-at the age of 25, Shore was permanently blinded after a car crash. Shore didn’t give up, though; he enrolled in Stetson University and studied history before attending-and graduating from-the university’s law school. Shore was the first Seminole to earn a law degree, and on his graduation in 1980 he immediately joined the tribe’s legal team.

At the time, the tribe was in the midst of an epochal legal struggle: the state of Florida attempted to shut down the Seminole’s high-stakes bingo operation, triggering a round of lawsuits that ended in a favorable federal appellate court ruling. The Seminole decision opened the door for the expansion of high-stakes bingo on tribal lands nationwide, and laid the groundwork for the Supreme Court’s favorable Cabazon ruling.

As general counsel for the Seminole from 1982 forward, Shore shaped the tribe’s legal strategy. Though he was unsuccessful in forcing the state to negotiate a Class III compact in 1994, he fought off state attempts to check the tribe’s Class II gaming machines. And Shore was ultimately vindicated when, in 2007 Florida Governor Charlie Crist negotiated a pact that brought full casino gaming to the Seminole casinos.

Shore played a key role in restructuring the tribe’s gambling operations after allegations of impropriety-such a vigorous role that, in 2002, he was shot three times and left for dead in what has been described as a “mob-style hit.” Shore survived, and though his would-be killer has not been brought to justice, he made a complete recovery in time to guide to Seminoles to international providence.

When, in 2004, the Seminoles opened two Hard Rock casinos, they were merely licensing use of the Hard Rock name and brand. In late 2006, at Shore’s urging, tribal leaders jumped at the chance to acquire the entire Hard Rock empire-restaurants, hotels and over 70,000 pieces of rock-and-roll memorabilia. This significant purchase illuminates the newfound economic and cultural vitality of both the Seminole tribes and all Native Americans.


Mille Lacs Miracle
Marge Anderson

Minnesota Indian gaming doesn’t usually get the headlines that casinos in California, Florida, and Connecticut do, but it’s a potent economic force nevertheless; it is the fifth-largest Indian gaming market in the country and has an aggregate statewide economic impact of over a half-billion dollars a year.

Marge Anderson is one of the prime movers behind this taciturn gaming behemoth. As chairwoman and chief executive of the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe from 1991 to 2000, she guided the band through a decade of tremendous growth, growth made possible by the success of Grand Casino Mille Lacs and Grand Casino Hinckley.

As leader of the band, Anderson set three priorities that determined how the Mille Lacs reinvested the profits generated from the casinos. She insisted that the band work to strengthen its cultural identity, return to economic self-sufficiency, and increase the prosperity of both the reservation members and their neighbors.

Before the advent of Indian gaming, Minnesota Indian reservations were among the poorest and bleakest in the nation. Now, those same reservations host businesses that employ thousands, Indians and non-Indians alike, while pumping millions of dollars into the state’s economy. Marge Anderson is one of the quiet forces behind this social and economic revitalization.


Ongoing Struggle
Brenda Soulliere

The daughter of former tribal chairman John James, Brenda Soulliere grew up keenly aware of the importance of leadership-and of the terrific responsibilities that comes with authority.

Last year, Tribal Government Gaming described her dramatic confrontation with local authorities, who jailed her for participating in what the Cabazon Band of Mission Indians considered to be legal gaming, in the form of bingo.

For more than 20 years, Soulliere has worked for the Cabazon Band. It has been a momentous tenure. In her early years with tribal administration, the Cabazon decision (1987) and Indian Gaming Regulatory Act (1988) vastly expanded the horizons of Indian gaming. Throughout the 1990s, Soulliere championed the cause of California Indian self-determination and economic development, a campaign that culminated in victories in Propositions 5 (1998) and 1A (2000), and more than 50 state-tribal gaming compacts being signed in 1999.

Class III gaming in California was not an easy fight. During the 1998 campaign Nevada gaming interests actively opposed Proposition 5, not without cause: a significant portion of Nevada’s visitors come from California. But California voters voted overwhelmingly in favor of the referendum, which wasn’t pitched as gaming expansion but as protecting “Native Americans’ rights to have limited gaming, restricted to their tribal land.” Californians felt that by allowing Class III gaming on Indian reservations, they could support the self-determination and self-reliance of Native Americans.

After the courts struck down Proposition 5, a similar measure, Proposition 1A, passed in 2000. This time, Nevada interests dropped their opposition, and the referendum passed with more than two-thirds of all voters in favor.

As chairwoman of the California Nations Indian Gaming Association from 2001 to 2003, Soulliere played a pivotal role during the transition from Class II to Class III gaming on California Indian reservations.

Soulliere has been outspoken in her defense of Indian gaming, and has argued that legislative and electoral successes do not mean the end of the struggle. “In fact,” she wrote in a CNIGA newsletter, “the battles have grown even more significant, the threats to sovereignty and self-reliance more ominous. ”

Brenda Soulliere will continue to champion Indian rights, because, as she says, “the fight will never end.”


Barona Baron
Joe Welch, Sr.

When Joe Welch, Sr., chairman of the Barona Indians of San Diego County, presided over the opening of a small bingo hall on April 15, 1983, few thought that he was making history. Running bingo games out of a converted community gymnasium didn’t seem a momentous step in the saga of the Barona tribe, which lived in Southern California for centuries before the first Europeans arrived.

But the bingo hall represented more than an entertainment venue. It was a symbol for Welch’s continuing efforts to improve the lives of his fellow members. Like many Indian tribes, the Barona were mired in poverty, and little seemed to help. Welch hoped that bingo would, at the most, give members of his community a chance. Prosperity was unthinkable.

Barona didn’t get bingo without a fight. Along the way, the tribe won a landmark United States 9th Circuit Court of Appeals decision that preserved their right to offer the game.

After Welch stepped down as chairman, he continued to serve as a council member, and has offered sage advice as the bingo hall has evolved into a full-fledged casino resort, with a 400-room hotel, quality restaurants, an 18-hole golf course and-thanks to Propositions 5 and 1A-a casino.

Barona has become one of the leading casinos in Southern California, creating thousands of jobs and countless opportunities for tribal members and Southern Californians. If not for the perseverance of Joe Welch, none of this might have happened.

The foundation that he laid in the early 1980s became the base for one of the great success stories in Indian Country.

Public Service, Private Victories
Jana McKeag

It’s not uncommon for regulators to follow their roles in public service with second careers as advocates, and Jana McKeag has been distinguished in both roles. She was first drawn to a career in public service by her grandmother, who worked for the Bureau of Indian Affairs’ Osage Agency in Pawhuska, Oklahoma, and impressed upon her the importance of helping her people. She found two other mentors: Forrest Gerard, a partner of Frank Ducheneaux, and Chuck Trimble, the executive director of National Congress of American Indians. Before long, she started working for the Bureau of Indian Affairs, which she found both rewarding and educational.

In more than a decade with the bureau, McKeag gained a sensitivity to many issues surrounding Native American communities and learned that by working in Washington, D.C., on behalf of Indian issues, she could have a significantly positive impact on the quality of life for Native Americans throughout the country.

Serving as a founding member of the National Indian Gaming Commission from 1991 to 1995 was a fitting culmination to her long career with the federal government. These were not easy years to serve on the regulatory body: IGRA had just been passed, the commission was new, and commissioners had to weather criticism from both sides: some wanted very strict regulation, while others preferred a more liberal regime. McKeag and her compatriots resisted political pressure from both sides and instead made decisions that they felt reflected both the letter of the law and the original intent of Congress. McKeag quickly determined she was not a cop. She resisted pressure and used her position on the commission to help tribes.            

This was a crucial period for Indian gaming-without a credible national regulatory body, states might try to encroach on tribal sovereignty. By design, McKeag and her fellow commissioners created a stable regulatory system that has stood the test of time.

After her term on the NIGC ended, McKeag joined Venture Catalyst (VCAT), initially as a consultant, though she soon was named the company’s vice president of governmental relations. In this role, McKeag advised both the company and government officials on potential legislation.

In her current position as president of Lowry Strategies, (her husband Tom Foley is vice president) McKeag represents tribes and entities working with tribes in a variety of roles. She’s helped to get legislation passed, mitigated decisions of the Department of the Interior, helped tribes work with Congress, and assisted them as they’ve established their own regulatory systems.

“Indian gaming has surpassed anyone’s expectations,” she says. “Tribes have stepped up to the plate to ensure credibility of gaming operations.”

But the road ahead is not a cakewalk: “There are challenges-there’s a lack of information inside the Beltway, so there’s still a need for educating Congress and the general public. I’ve been working in Indian Affairs for over thirty years, and we’ve overcome a lot of very difficult issues, so I’m confident that tribal leadership will continue to be successful.”

Class Act

When the NIGC opened its office on the morning of March 10, 2008, it surely found its fax machine inundated by comments filed in response to the four proposed rules to govern Class II gaming. The comment period had ended at midnight the night before. Hundreds of letters were filed in the final few days, ending a long, strange year in which the NIGC solicited unprecedented input into its regulatory process.

The Bright Line
In the spring and summer of 2006, the NIGC proposed two sets of rules. The first would set up classification standards for Class II games, and also redefine an “electronic or electromechanical facsimile of a game of chance,” which the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act excludes from Class II gaming. The second proposal created a set of technical standards for Class II games: the detailed specifications imposed on manufacturers seeking approval on matters of game integrity and security.

The response to both proposals was overwhelmingly negative. When the commission’s own economic impact analysis revealed that the promulgation of those rules would devastate the existing Class II market, the commission, to its credit, paused in its process.

Somewhat later, after a series of work sessions with industry experts had convinced the commission that its own technical standards proposal was dramatically unsuited to the technological realities of Class II gaming systems, the commission paused further. It withdrew the proposed rules and began to listen some more. For more than a year, it had a lot to listen to.

Working Together
December 2006 marked the formation of what became known as the Tribal Gaming Working Group (TGWG), an informal collection of tribal leaders, tribal gaming operators and regulators, businessmen and engineers with expertise in Class II gaming development, and lawyers representing all those interests. The TGWG formed to deliver additional assistance to the Tribal Advisory Committees charged with providing expertise to the NIGC in the formulation of Class II rules.

Through a series of intense meetings held throughout the country, interspersed with conference calls that ran for hours, the TGWG deconstructed the NIGC technical standards. It exposed the original proposal as resting on the mistaken assumption that Class II gaming systems should be measured by technical requirements appropriate to stand-alone slot machines. The TGWG advocated that the technical standards be restructured to reflect, instead, a system in which central generation of numbers in a bingo game is transmitted to a collection of player interfaces, enabling players to play against each other in a common game. This approach preserves the structure of bingo for any medium of play, whether manual ball draw and paper cards or electronic designation of bingo balls displayed on players’ electronic screens.

TGWG work continued with the knowledge and occasional involvement of NIGC staff, with eventual dialogue in which NIGC staff, the Technical Standards Tribal Advisory Committee (TTAC) and members of the TGWG discussed, attacked and defended proposed revisions to the technical standards developed by the TGWG.

Nearing the end of the process, the NIGC continued to make changes that the Advisory Committee and TGWG asserted would undermine the purpose and efficacy of the technical standards. But a revolution has certainly taken place, in that the NIGC, in its most recent proposal on October 24, 2007, now proposes to regulate Class II gaming systems, and not some renamed slot machine.

At a Minimum
A similar process addressed Class II Minimum Internal Control Standards (MICS). For some years, the NIGC has required that tribal gaming operations adhere to the Minimum Internal Control Standards set forth at 25 C.F.R. Part 542. Tribes have successfully challenged the commission’s authority to impose such standards on Class III gaming. The remaining provisions, purporting to regulate Class II, were woefully inadequate, and the NIGC determined to develop a new Part 543 to address Class II alone. It reconstituted a MICS Tribal Advisory Committee (MTAC), and eventually agreed to subject its own proposed new MICS to the scrutiny, comment and suggestions of the still active TGWG.

Over a period of several months, the MTAC and TGWG worked with NIGC staff to reorganize the MICS to reflect the play of the game of bingo, with the goal of enabling tribal gaming regulators to monitor the play of each of elements of the game, tracking the criteria of bingo as set forth in the IGRA. Like the technical standards, the revised MICS aimed to provide satisfactory controls for the play of bingo whether or not technologic aids were used.

Throughout this productive and extraordinarily cooperative effort, proposed changes to the classification standards were nowhere to be seen, and were not available for discussion. The NIGC broadly indicated that it had had enough input from prior discussions, and was eager to complete the task of establishing a “bright line” between Class II and Class III gaming. Those who had been laboring to establish that same bright line between such forms of gaming through carefully crafted MICS and technical standards were disappointed that the NIGC declined to consider that work sufficient, or at least to avail itself of the assembled expertise of all facets of the Class II industry.

Technological Aids
On October 24, 2007, the NIGC published its set of four new Class II definitions, in the Federal Register. Public outcry was immediate and intense. A principal objection was (and is) that the NIGC’s proposed classification standards departed from the statutory bingo criteria, the same criteria held be courts to be the “sole criteria for bingo,” created new and arbitrary requirements for the play of the game of bingo only if that game is played through technologic aids. Even though the IGRA expressly authorizes the play of Class II games with equal force “whether or not technologic aids are used,” the regulatory scheme would impose significant restrictions on game play for all forms of the game not using paper.

But the NIGC went even further. Not content that its artificially restricted bingo game would be significantly distinct from a Class III game (and significantly degraded in economic viability, according to the NIGC’s own new economic impact study), the commission undertook to redefine the facsimile definition presently in force. Adopted in 2002, and approved by reviewing courts, the existing definition tracks the language in the Senate Report accompanying IGRA, requiring that a permissible technologic aid be “readily distinguishable from the use of electronic facsimiles in which a single participant plays a game with or against a machine rather than with or against other players.”

The proposed new definition eliminates the distinguishing limitation that precluded play against a machine. Instead, the NIGC would establish, essentially, that all games played exclusively with electronic aids are facsimiles. It then purports to establish a safe harbor for any that achieve compliance with the classification standards, which are applicable to all games played solely through electronic aids. But that effort may not work.

The IGRA categorically excludes facsimiles from Class II gaming. If the NIGC determines that all solely electronic games are Class III facsimiles, then it may not have the ability to bring such games back into the realm of Class II merely by determining acceptable standards for such facsimiles. Class III gaming is outside the NIGC’s regulatory scope of authority. While it may seek to determine where the bright line exists between Class II and Class III gaming, it lacks governmental power once it crosses that line. Many fear that the facsimile definition alone may be enough to wipe out the now vibrant industry of Class II electronic bingo. At the very least, the facsimile definition is merely a surplus requirement to comply with the classification standards.

Hey Grandfather
The NIGC stumbles into yet another paradox. Recognizing that the classification standards would render nearly all existing games obsolete, the NIGC proposes a “grandfather” provision that would delay application of the new standards to existing games for a period of five years. Many object that even such a five-year term would improperly truncate the useful life of a Class II gaming system. But many more are concerned that the NIGC’s own language could render the grandfather provision wholly meaningless. The rule itself states:

“Nothing in this part is intended to authorize the continued operation of uncompacted Class III machines that allow a player to play against the machine.”

Given that games not compliant with the classification standards, are, by the NIGC’s terms, uncompacted Class III machines, this sentence could make it impossible to rely on or apply the grandfather clause.  

The details of the proposed classifications standards are not significantly different from the version proposed in May 2006. To its credit, the NIGC eliminated some of the requirements whose goal was patently to delay and extend the duration of game play.

But many other restrictions remain. The initiation of each game is delayed by two seconds, except in the most heavily populated gaming facilities. Players are required to interact with the game at least twice, and often (and unpredictably) more times, according to the NIGC’s additional rule requiring that slept bingos trigger additional ball releases and extended play for others in a game. All games must have an overly precise label (“This is a game of bingo”) that seems too simple to offer much in the way of education to a player.

Bingo game rules created by the NIGC pose significant threat to future options for game development, which may require more flexibility in the configuration of a bingo card than the NIGC permits. This is yet another arbitrary distinction not found in the many jurisdictions in which paper bingo and other electronic bingo have flourished. Games similar to bingo are defined out of existence. The play of Bonanza bingo is forbidden in electronic form (even though it remains permissible in paper play).

Compliance issues are unclear for bingo minders, or for future development of other compact, handheld play, thus handicapping an obvious avenue for new technology. But only for tribal play, because the rest of the electronic bingo industry will continue to develop, leaving tribal Class II play fossilized and unprofitable.

Other Concerns
The myriad comments raise other serious questions.

The NIGC’s economic impact study suggests that the effect on Class II gaming operations would be immense, with billions of dollars of quantifiable losses. The study itself cannot measure the economic harm imposed by depriving tribes of leverage to negotiate new compacts, or to seek less restrictive compact amendments.

Nor can mere dollar figures adequately represent the catastrophic harm incurred when a small tribal facility, one whose revenues primarily support job creation, can no longer keep its doors open because the Class II games can no longer compete with nearby Class III-type games in a recalcitrant state that refuses to compact. While the NIGC has announced its intention to commission a cost/benefit study, that study has not been completed. Many wonder how the NIGC will attempt to justify benefits sufficient for the adverse regulatory costs.

Finally, the process of the NIGC’s rulemaking, and its substance, pose substantial threats to tribal sovereignty. The NIGC’s rule threatens to eviscerate Class II gaming, the one form of tribal gaming that the states cannot control. Tribes seeking to conduct gaming will, as a practical matter, be at the mercy of states that cannot be compelled to compact in good faith, and which will demand more concessions of revenue and regulatory control. Moreover, the proposed regulatory structure substantially transfers tribal regulatory power to classify games to private laboratories, whose “certification” of games as Class II would occupy the place of a primary (non-governmental) regulator. Tribes are prohibited from using their own laboratories to conduct such certification.

And lastly, the process itself illuminates the defect in the NIGC’s own consultation efforts. While the NIGC discussed some aspects of rule development with its tribal advisory committees, it did not engage in broader, meaningful consultation with tribal governments that may not have had representation on the committees. And while the NIGC did benefit from the significant expertise of the TGWG, that group did not function in the role of government consultation, and its advice was roundly rejected on all matters critical to classification determinations.

If the NIGC is to protect the critical asset that is Class II gaming, it should avail itself of all the information necessary to make good decisions. In particular, it must both seek and apply all available technical and governmental expertise to all facets of Class II rulemaking.

Now that the comment period has ended, the NIGC must fulfill its obligation to consider how the comments affect its determination to go forward with the proposed regulations. Chairman Phil Hogen has frequently commented that the commission is not unalterably committed to all the rules. If the shortcomings in the MICS and technical standards can be addressed, then those rules can provide useful tools for tribal regulation of Class II gaming.

Undoubtedly, the classification standards and facsimile definition, if adopted, will give rise to significant litigation. Even if tribes do not file immediate challenges, the defects will likely encourage the United States Department of Justice to resume its own enforcement proceedings against games the NIGC has newly determined to be uncompacted Class III games. The proposed rules threaten a new era of legal uncertainty, unnecessarily raising the cost of doing business in Class II.

Beyond Gaming

Some less creative reporters and editors in the mainstream media have characterized Indian gaming as “the new buffalo.” 

But some tribes are calling it a “one trick pony.” Others are looking at alternative “herds,” using hard-won expertise to generate commercial casino enterprises and other projects in non-gaming fields.

Several successful gaming tribes are forging partnerships with once bitter rivals; and looking outside of their states-sometimes way outside-to develop opportunities with a combination of gaming savvy and cash.

The Mohegan and Pequot tribes of Connecticut have fearlessly ventured beyond the protective cover of a near monopoly across state borders to take on commercial gaming companies on equal terms, playing by the same rules and sometimes as equal partners.


Indian Bank
Dr. Randolph Baker, Sycuan professor of Travel Gaming Management at San Diego State University-one of the few universities offering degrees in tribal gaming management-notes the recent formation by the Rincon and Colusa Indian tribes of California of the first tribally owned private equity fund: First Nations Capital Partners LLC. The tribes, from opposite ends of the Golden State, will be the primary investors, owners and managers of the specialized $25 million fund.

Rincon’s Tribal Chairman Vernon Wright commented, “Gaming has been good for us, but it’s a one-trick pony. That’s why we’ve made economic diversification one of our top priorities.”

Gaming tribes have gotten into financing before, most notably when the Southern California Viejas Band of Kumeyaay Indians bought Borrego Springs Bank four years ago.

Around the same time, the Sycuan tribe bought the U.S. Grant Hotel in San Diego. The Mississippi Choctaw have been in the electronics business for several years.

The first time a tribe went into commercial gaming was in 2000 when the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians, which had several casinos in Michigan, opened the Greektown Casino in Detroit. Using those revenues and its reservation casinos, it bought more land while increasing services to its members.

According to Baker, “Other tribes are looking at taking their gaming bounty that won’t last once the quasi monopoly they enjoy because of Indian gaming, has diminished. As more states introduce gaming that will bite into that monopoly. Ten to 12 percent of gaming tribes bring in 80 percent of the revenue. The Seminole Indians are a classic example of going into a totally different area, of paying $1 billion to buy the Hard Rock restaurant brand. Their casinos in Florida bring in several hundred million dollars a year. You can easily afford to diversity with those kinds of revenues.

“One way tribes diversify is to go into commercial gaming. The second is what we see in San Diego county, where they are buying orange and avocado groves and reinforcing the economic engine that drove their success. The forward-looking ones say ‘this is unique opportunity that probably won’t last.”

“Good economics is good economics,” says Baker. “I see several scenarios, none of which are firm: On one hand we have wealthy tribes sophisticated enough to diversity: tribes in the Pacific Northwest, California and Connecticut. They are creating tribal corporations that are going to become multifaceted. This will provide opportunities for members of the tribes who live in adjacent communities.”

Expand and Diversify
An example of this kind of thinking comes from the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians, which owns San Manuel Indian Bingo & Casino in Southern California. It has chosen to invest some profits in non-gaming economic projects, although a lot is still going to expand the existing casino operation.

Spokesman Jacob Coin says, “We are mindful that the goal of IGRA is to strengthen tribal governments and create an economy. For San Manuel, creating an economy constitutes an important element to secure long-term revenues. The more diverse, the better we feel our future will be. That’s why we have chosen to look at expansion and diversification.”

San Manuel is investing in several industries, including a bottled water company that taps a source on the reservation, a home and office delivery market, and very soon 12 acres in Highland owned by the tribe but not reservation land will become San Manuel Village, a commercial development that will include a Hampton Inn Suites, an office building, restaurants, retail, banks and more.

San Manuel has partnered with three other tribes: Viejas Band of Kumeyaay Indians, the Forest County Potowatomi Community and the Oneida Tribe, both of Wisconsin, to form Four Fires. The largest business investment collaboration for American Indian tribes in history, in 2003 it began a $43 million hotel project-a 13-story, 233-suite Residence Inn by Marriott, near the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian and just blocks from the Capitol.

Another partnership, Three Fires (the same tribes minus the Forest Potowatomi) built a Residence Inn by Marriott in Sacramento near the state capital and purchased an office building in Washington D.C. and commercial office buildings in other towns.

When the Pentagon closed California’s Norton Air Force Base, the partnership acquired 100 acres in an area that seems prime for warehousing and shipping industrial uses.

Commercial Concentration
What about commercial casinos?

“Those kinds of projects are not as high on our list,” says Coin. “Under former Chairman Darren Marquez the tribe decided to look beyond gaming. He used to say that the more diverse your revenue stream the better your revenue stream will be. And we’ve learned the hotel business very well.

“Indian gaming is conducted in a very fragile political environment. Every day that the tribes make the progress  makes somebody wants a piece of the action. Racetracks and card clubs have tried to get slots. Those efforts are not going away. Understanding that this is a highly charged political environment, tribes are mindful that they need to look to other sources, such as hotels and motels. But that doesn’t mean we won’t look at other areas.”

Professor Baker foresees economic diversification by all tribes.

“A potential detriment is that you are seeing the ‘rich Indian syndrome appearing.’ Wise tribes are working hard to counteract that by contributions to other tribes. As economies get tight, certain tribes will face political difficulties. That’s a matter of when, not if.”

James Wortman, lecturer and director of the Gaming Education and Research Institute (GERI), was also administrator of the National Indian Gaming Association’s Casino Management Institute for Hilton College at the University of Houston. He has worked with tribes for 20 years. GERI, education partner of the National Indian Gaming Association, offers casino management courses. This gives Wortman the opportunity to travel and see a lot of different tribal operations.

He notes that the Pequot and Mohegan tribes are not the norm, either in casino profitability, or how they were built.

“The Mohegan and Pequots are sophisticated tribes,” he says. “They have good backgrounds. They make a lot of money. A lot of tribes disagree with how they did that by building up a lot of debt. Most Indian casinos are not looking to build large debt. When building takes place the tribe is ready to give a check for services. Foxwoods does it like most businesses in the U.S. do, by taking out a loan.”

He adds, “Most tribes are interested in self-determination. They use money from gaming for cultural heritage, housing, schools, designed to benefit the tribe. They tend to feel that Foxwoods doesn’t follow that model.

“Foxwoods and the Mohegans are now looking to be investment partners with those tribes, serving as a bank, giving expertise and running and financing operations.”

Some tribes that diversify, says Wortman, do so out of a desire to weather economic storms. “They are saying that maybe it will affect our income and maybe we need to diversity our businesses to be able to survive an economic downturn.

“There’s also a concern, I’ll attribute to Steve Wynn, that right now gaming is a socially acceptable form of entertainment in the U.S. but we are one serious calamity away of being where we were 30 years ago. Gaming could suffer some serious problem. Twenty years ago tables were kings, and then slots and tables. Today, hotels, food and beverage, and retail are profit centers and some casinos bring in more from those areas than from slots.”

Founded by Foxwoods
Gary D. Armentrout, president of the Foxwoods Development Company, recalls how four years ago the tribe developed a two-fold strategy that was defensive and offensive.

“The Pequot tribe realized that as successful as they were with Foxwoods that their market was shrinking as surrounding states contemplated expanded gaming,” he says.

The defensive strategy: invest significant additional capital into the Connecticut property. Make it bigger, better, grander, with more nightclubs, meeting spaces, slot machines and hotel rooms. That resulted in the $750 million MGM Grand at Foxwoods, which will open later this year.   

The offensive strategy: diversify outside of their market by creating the Foxwoods Development Co. to leverage financial and human resources in hotels, casinos and entertainment operations outside their existing market.

“A commercial entity doesn’t have the advantages or baggage of a tribal entity,” says Armentrout. “We are 100-percent owned by the tribal nation. Our six-member board of managers runs and oversees the company.” 

Armentrout was hired in October of 2005 to head the company. His mission: “to leverage the tribe’s financial and human resources by finding opportunities to invest in, partner with, develop and acquire, hospitality-related projects.”

One motivation for creating the company was to provide career opportunities for Foxwoods’ team members.

“Part of our mission is that any project we become involved in we are not a bank-we don’t loan money or make passive investments. We only invest in projects where we have a role to play in development and management. This creates opportunities for employees to move up in their own careers. Anyone we take out of the operation in Connecticut will create a vacancy that creates a ripple effect, letting others move up,” says Armentrout.

Their first project, in early 2006, was consultant to the Chukchansi Gold Resort and Casino in Southern California, near Fresno.

Foxwoods spent six months with them, analyzing their operation, making recommendations on facilities, operations and senior management.

“It gave us an opportunity to utilize many senior management from Connecticut as advisors and consultants,” recalls Armentrout. “It proved very successful both for us and the tribe.”

Next, they answered an RFP from the Pauma Band of Luiseño Mission Indians of San Diego County. They negotiated a development with the tribe, which failed twice before to partner to expand its existing small casino. The ground breaking date hinges on a memorandum of understanding with San Diego County, required by the compact negotiated with Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, which more than doubled the tribe’s allotment of slot machines.

The estimated $650 million cost includes financing and soft costs. “We’ve worked together to come up with a design (with the architectural team of Hnedak Bobo) for an all-inclusive resort, 400 hotels rooms, large rooms, and 2,250 slots,” says Armentrout.

Foxwoods provides predevelopment funding, oversees the architect, interior design team and consultants retained to do the environmental report and negotiate the MOU, whose main issue unresolved is traffic on the two-lane State Highway 76, still a winding country road.

This historical partnership is the first time one tribe has reached out to help another do a large-scale development.

“Tribes have partnered with commercial gaming companies before. This is the first example of a tribe providing that kind of financial and gaming expertise to another tribe,” says Armentrout.

It’s a testament to the company’s national perspective that its headquarters is in St. Louis, Missouri, not Connecticut. Its initial focus has been with tribes in California, Oklahoma and New Mexico. “It made more sense to be centrally located as we became so geographically diverse,” says  Armentrout.

Philly Foxwoods
Foxwoods’ third major project is in Philadelphia, where in 2005 it partnered with local investors to pursue a slot parlor gaming license. Competitors for the two licenses included Trump Entertainment Resorts and Pinnacle Entertainment.

This created a philosophical dilemma. Pursuing a commercial license required a full background and suitability assessment, scrutiny tribes normally don’t tolerate. It required soul-searching, discussion and debate to proceed. It was, says Armentrout, a significant step for the tribe to willingly to open its books to a third party.

“I’m happy to report that the tribe and the board of management and the facilities managers, were thoroughly investigated and found suitable,” says Armentrout.

“This is the first time that a Native American-managed gaming company has competed successfully against commercial companies for a highly sought after licensing agreement,” he adds.

Foxwoods Casino Philadelphia is still in the permitting process. Groundbreaking is expected this summer. The $640 million project includes three phases: 1) The casino with 3,000 slot machines; 2) A riverfront entertainment district with a promenade, boardwalk, shops, restaurant and additional gaming space to bring the total machines to 5,000; 3) a two-tower hotel of 250 rooms, or residential condominiums, depending on the market.

Like other commercial gaming companies, Foxwoods is monitoring the debate in Massachusetts over three proposed commercial casinos.

Foxwoods went international in March with an agreement with Dublin-based Harcourt Developments, which acquired the former Royal Oasis in Freeport, Grand Bahama, destroyed by hurricane, vacant for three years. Harcourt is committed to gut, renovate and rebuild the hotel tower, casino and two golf courses, with Foxwoods as consultant through design and development and manager after it opens.

The other significant development is Foxwoods’ relationship with MGM Mirage. They jointly created Unity Gaming LLC, based in Las Vegas. Under its tent, they will identify opportunities to develop or acquire gaming operations.

MGM brings the added financial capacity, MGM Mirage brand, plus opportunities that Foxwoods might not otherwise be aware of.

Unity’s first project is one that Foxwoods had worked on before: a bid for one of four Kansas regional casinos, in Sumner County.

Unity’s $425 million project, Chisholm Creek Casino Resorts, includes a 250-room hotel, casino, restaurants, and convention facilities with additional phased commercial development.

At any one time Foxwoods Development has a half a dozen projects in the works.

“Originally our focus was on gaming and non-gaming hospitality but the tribal council more narrowly defined it to be exclusively gaming,” says Armentrout. “Having been licensed and found suitable in commercial gaming opens the door for other gaming jurisdictions, including Nevada.”

Mohegan Matters
The Mohegan Sun, Connecticut’s other gaming giant, through its Mohegan Tribal Gaming Authority, while also engaged in multimillion dollar “defensive” expansion at home, recently opened phase one of the Mohegan Sun at Pocono, a commercial racino in Pennsylvania. Phase two will add 1,000 slot machines, dining, a nightclub and retail. It will also continue as a racetrack.

According to Lynn Malerba, tribal vice chairwoman, one advantage of operating the racino is that it can cross-market both operations, separated by a four-hour drive.

“Right now Pocono Downs is small, but once we enter phase two, cross marketing will take on more energy. It’s a wonderful opportunity for folks who may not know about the Mohegan Sun. We have piqued their curiosity about our Connecticut facility.”

Halfway across the continent and on the Pacific coast, the tribe acts as developer and manager for the $300 million casino project of the Cowlitz Tribe in southwestern Washington and of the Menominee tribe of Wisconsin’s proposed Kenosha Entertainment Center and Casino project.

“We have a contract to develop and manage for seven years and then turn them over to them,” says Malerba.

Like the Pequots, the Mohegans have discovered the wisdom of phased projects. “It makes sense. You need revenues from the first phase to help finance the second and not be so leveraged,” says Malerba. The Wisconsin and Washington tribes are responsible for their own financing, although the Mohegans helped obtain favorable rates.

They are one of 13 bidders in the Kansas market, targeting Kansas City, in Wyandotte County. And like the Pequots they are monitoring the Massachusetts market.

“In the short term we are looking at economic diversity,” says Malerba. “Our tribe (whose population is about 1,700) has a changing demographic. Our average age is 26 years. We experience a birth a week. We anticipate a lot of growth and want to continue to provide for education, elder and social care. This is our core competency and helps spread risk. We would certainly look at other industries if we possessed the competency, such as hospitality. It is important to diversify from a geographic perspective but from another business as well so that we are not solely focused on one industry.”

The tribal council is also board of directors for the Gaming Authority. While its executive team advises it on the due diligence of projects it proposes, the council has the last word.

Malerba doesn’t see the Indian gaming boom going away, but she recognizes that now there is more competition from commercial gaming.

Preparations for the Future
The old buffalo herds went away once before, maybe the “new buffalo” might do the same.

“In the Northeast,” says Malerba, “there was a 6 percent growth in how much money was spent on gaming, but a 14 percent growth in machines. It’s one thing to be efficient but what distinguishes us from our competitors is our level of service and amenities, which are unparalleled in the Northeast.”

From her perspective the tribe has made “incredible strides in the last 12 years. We opened the first phase of Mohegan Sun in 1996. We have gotten very sophisticated in how we look at our projects and have established ourselves as a leader.”

The tribe has reclaimed burial grounds in Norwich and repurchased another burial ground that had been made into a park.

“We believe we are paying homage to our ancestors by making sure that our burial grounds are well maintained. One of the most important benefits of gaming is that our history and culture remain very vibrant,” she says. “Hopefully there will never be ‘the last of the Mohicans.'”

Taking the Lead

It seems hard to believe in 2008, but there was a time when non-tribal casino operators were reluctant to use TITO (ticket-in/ticket out systems) for their slot machines.

Why? They assumed-incorrectly, as it turned out-that one of the most entertaining aspects of gambling for players was playing with cold, hard cash.

“Operators thought patrons wanted to hear the coins drop. They thought they’d always want rolls of quarters. They thought they’d always want to insert cash,” says Knute Knudson, vice president for Native American development for International Gaming Technology, the leading supplier of gaming machines and monitoring systems in the world.

“But Indian Country was way ahead of traditional markets. There were a few holdouts, but everybody got over it, and TITO revolutionized the casino industry.”

Today, it’s next-to-impossible to find cash-based systems on the casino floor, and the operational benefits have been immeasurable. Without coin-handling equipment (which were notoriously prone to jams that held up play), casino costs have been cut as much as 40 percent. No more hand-pays means no more frustrated players, forced to suspend their games during a tedious count.

Coin-handling by staff-an arduous and downright dirty task-has also been eliminated, along with vaults, coin carts, and security personnel. TITO also made multi-denomination gaming machines possible.

Of course, it goes without saying that overflowing counting rooms, like the one immortalized in the Martin Scorsese film Casino, posed a security risk like no other. Thanks to cashless environments, that risk has now been eliminated.

Pioneering for its time, TITO was just one of several groundbreaking innovations- in back-end technology, customer service and casino games themselves-that originated in Native American casinos, then took hold in the industry at large. They include nothing less than the innovations that could soon make server-based gaming an industry standard.

Indian Country First
At first, tribal casinos were driven to technical innovation so they could offer an approximation of Vegas-style slots while adhering to Class II regulations. Their devices looked and played like slot machines-a great lure for the gambling public-but under the hood, they were really electronic bingo drawings or pull-tab games.

Few could have predicted in the 1990s that some Class II games would become the models for today’s Class III game designers. It’s due in part to the fact that many Class III games were developed and became entrenched before the technological explosion that made personal computers, internet and lightning-fast communications facts of daily life.

“Compared to where casino technology is today, yes, Class II is ahead of the curve, because most of it was developed after the turn of the century,” says Aaron Rubin, director of marketing for Video Gaming Technologies, provider of games for Class II and emerging markets. “The prototypes are faster, and just from a raw technical standpoint, we’re ahead.”

Rubin says older-generation Class III games will probably stick around a while because they’re “like the car you’ve already bought and paid for. You own it. It runs. And it’s nice not having car payments.”

But as casino games advance in complexity, speed and entertainment value, he says, those older games-just like that battered old family Buick-may have to be replaced. If games don’t remain competitive-with increased bells and whistles, dazzling 3-D graphics, digital-quality sound and superior hit ratios-they just may become an operator’s loss leaders, and even brand a host casino as behind the times.

It was necessity that made Class II game makers the industry’s mothers of invention, suggests Terry Daly, who is vice president of game systems for Rocket Gaming, which supplies Class II entertainment software and electronic players stations to casinos in 11 states.

“From a designer’s standpoint, from a game standpoint, we needed to create games that kept players interested and on the floor,” Daly says. “We developed a wide variety of entertainment-type games along with more of a gambler-type game and then a cross-section that appeals to both”-all with enough amusement value and chances to win to keep players playing.

“Gambling-type games have pure map models; you don’t win very often but you when you do, you can win big,” Daly says. “Other games are more entertainment-based, where you can play for a long time and enjoy the bonus features.” He described the company’s newest games as “entertaining and feature-heavy.

“We are right in the process of rolling out a series called Jackpot Jubilee (an umbrella for a number of different titles including One Bad Apple, Whopper and Great White Diamond). Each has its own map model and separate bonus features, but they share a common jackpot, plus there are features that take players into a secondary game that allows them the opportunity to win up to four different progressive jackpots.”

Frequent jackpots are a winning concept, says Rubin.

“Unlike at a slot machine, where you pull (the handle) a bunch of times and may never win, Class II always wins.” He adds that more social and interactive play-a fundamental tenet of Class II play-is becoming increasingly popular in non-tribal houses.

“Instead of you playing against the slot machine, you play against other players for a progressive prize. It makes for a lot more interactivity,” says Rubin.

A case in point: IGT’s Wheel of Fortune arena game, with multiple participants at adjacent terminals around a common wheel. It’s become one of the most popular slot machine games in the country.

Server First
Central determination, also referred to as downloadable technology or server-based gaming, may prove the greatest contribution from Indian Country to the mainstream gaming hall.

Born in 1995 with systems developed for California’s Pala tribe, it is now viewed as the next wave in slots technology, with manufacturers investing millions per year in research and development of Class III applications.

“Server-based technology makes a very compelling story, not just for the player, but for the operator,” says Kunal Mishra, vice president of product management and marketing for Atlanta-based Cadillac Jack, a provider of high-speed, interactive electronic games and systems to the global gaming industry.

“By definition, it got its start in Class II gaming because a server always had to be attached to a game to provide the download of content to the machine. Beyond that, it added the technological basis for operators to make instant business decisions to increase the profitability of their floor.”

With server-based gaming, tribal casinos could quickly switch game titles from a remote command center, and offer more and broader community gaming (a prerequisite for bingo, in which players compete for a communally-generated pot).

In time, as systems became more sophisticated and servers made by different manufacturers began to communicate through back-end systems, tickets could be played from one maker’s game to another. All these efficiencies in tribal gaming boosted the revenue-generating power of the casino; the value of every square foot of gaming space could be maximized.

The technology is expected to become ubiquitous across the industry. By 2005, nearly every major slot machine manufacturer brought server-based slot machines to the Global Gaming Expo in Las Vegas, and by 2006, those games were getting trials in California and Nevada.

Server-based gaming also enables operators to tailor games to player preference. Casinos are growing more interested in electronic data warehouses and analytical computer software to track who’s playing and when; in conjunction with server-based capabilities, which can alter the floor set-up and game availabilities with the click of a mouse, casinos can change from penny games to nickel games at will-all from a remote “mother ship.”

In the case of Rocket Gaming, the central base, which powers 4,000 machines, is in Oklahoma.

“The technology throughout the industry is not quite there yet, but certainly server-based gaming is a lot easier,” says Rocket’s Terry Daly. “You can change the game or denomination from a central server point at any location, rather than going out and making a physical change (at the casino); we also have the ability to maintain security. Our checks and balances make sure that everything is as it’s supposed to be, and there are several backup systems in place” so there is no possibility of a crash.

“From a service standpoint, server-based technology allows you not only to download content and change features, it also allows you to identify problems before they actually hit and have an impact on the casino.”

Analysts say server-based gaming could have the same effect on the slot machine floor as TITO, which since 2002 has sent operators scurrying (and spending millions) to replace games.

Advances in technology have also made heavyweight players of tech manufacturers. Thanks to ticket in-ticket out, for example, the stock price at International Game Technology rose more than 570 percent between 2000, when the technology first emerged, and the end of 2004.

Standing Still
Despite the increasing interest in central determination or server-based systems, few foresee the end of stand-alone casino games.

“Some people would like to think that stand-alones will be phased out,” says Bruce Rowe, senior vice president for business development for Vegas-based Bally Technologies, a leading supplier of gaming machines and technology products. “What we’re really starting to see is a migration to bidirectional networks; it’s our belief that there will be an evolution over the next several years towards a robust bidirectional networking capability.”

Such a direction will benefit the industry in a couple of ways, Rowe says:

“One, it will improve the integrity of the games by being able to (easily) hold them, interrogate them and download software. Two, it will improve marketing at the point of play so operators can do marketing and loyalty to the customer before or after their gaming session. Three, it will offer second ways to win for the customer through promotions and bonusing games.

“Those are three of the key ones, as well as improved service at the game-a ‘concierge-in-a-box’ kind of idea that also provides drink and valet services, calls for your car in advance, that sort of thing. There are other ideas for being able to configure games so you have the ideal mix by time of day and day of the week. Otherwise, it’s like having a restaurant and never being able to change the menu from breakfast to lunch to dinner.”

Borrowing Success
Sometimes, says Rowe, technologies first borrowed by the Indians from mainstream environments were improved on the Class II casino floor.

“In the early stages, tribal operations inherited the best-of-breed technology from traditional Class III environments. But as time went on, those tribes-who many times at opening were new to the gaming industry, and had limited financial backing-started to become more knowledgeable and more independent financially.”

Mostly self-governed, “they developed oversight bodies that were often more nimble in making decisions about technology than the large corporations that got them started,” Rowe says. Faced with greater competitive challenges but blessed with more independence and less bureaucracy, the tribes looked for new and better ways to run their operations-and they found them.

“As the market started to mature, so did the sophistication of the operations, the availability of cash to put back into technology and innovations, and the speed with which technology could be experimented with and deployed,” says Rowe.

In the ongoing saga of mainstream and tribal gaming, in many ways the follower has become the leader, and Native American casinos are setting the standards for tomorrow’s gaming industry.

The Past…And Future… of the IGRA

Since its 1988 passage, the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act (IGRA) has provided a statutory vehicle to promote economic development for federally recognized Indian tribes throughout the United States. The goal of the act was to encourage self-sufficiency and strong tribal governments via the operation of casino gaming on their reservation lands. 

Sheila Morago, executive director of the Arizona Indian Gaming Association (AIGA), praises the IGRA as the most successful economic legislation ever created for Indian tribes.

“Prior economic tools worked for metropolitan areas with built-in infrastructures. They never addressed those rural tribes that needed funding to create solid infrastructures. Gaming offered a positive alternative,” she says.

The IGRA followed the U.S. Supreme Court’s 1987 ruling on California v. Cabazon Band of Mission Indians. The decision allowed California tribes to conduct high-stakes bingo on reservation lands, free of state regulation.

Heidi McNeil Staudenmaier, senior partner at Snell & Wilmer LLP, a law firm in Phoenix, Arizona, explains, “Tribes have always believed in their inherent right to operate gaming activities on their reservation lands. As a compromise, the IGRA provided a regulatory structure for Class II and Class III gaming. From a tribal perspective, they were agreeing to let the state and federal governments participate.”

The language of the IGRA emphasizes three important areas. It provides for Indian gaming regulation, designed to prevent organized crime and corruption, while ensuring that tribes are the primary beneficiaries of gaming revenues. The IGRA aims to ensure integrity in Indian gaming operations for the operators and players.

Class Promotions
The IGRA divides all gaming activities into Class I, II and III operations. States cannot regulate Class I, or traditional Indian games (and no tribe currently offers Class I games to anyone but tribal members). Class II low-stakes games, like bingo, can be regulated the same way as other similar activities within a state. For Class III high-stakes Las Vegas-style gaming operations, the IGRA authorizes regulatory mechanisms with individual states, via a negotiated compact. Compacts are then approved or rejected by the Deparment of the Interior (DOI).

In some early cases, states quickly agreed to compacts, thinking it would never amount to anything significant. Others refused to negotiate and faced legal challenges.  

The IGRA bars a state compact from taxing tribal casinos, but allows revenue-sharing agreements. Staudenmaier states that each state has taken a different approach to negotiating compacts. Some compacts have few rules and little involvement, while others mandate extensive regulatory oversight and operational limitations.

Due to the overwhelming successes of Indian gaming, the tribal and political landscape has changed since 1988. Recognizing that they underestimated the returns from Indian gaming, some states have scrambled to renegotiate better compact terms.

Other components of the IGRA were the formation of the National Indian Gaming Commission (NIGC), an independent federal regulatory authority. Its purpose was to oversee the management and regulation of Indian gaming. Finally, the law also established standards for tribal land acquisitions and off-reservation gaming operations.

Casino Compromise
Chairman Michael Lombardi of the Southern California Augustine Band of Cahuilla Indians Gaming Commission has worked in Indian gaming operations for decades.

“IGRA was a political compromise for the  Cabazon v. California case,” he contends.

Lombardi applauds the early efforts of Senator Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii) and former Senator Ben “Nighthorse” Campbell (R-Colorado).

“These two individuals were the best friends of Indian gaming. They believed the IGRA would force state and tribal governments to develop respectful government to government relationships,” he claims.

The IGRA’s expectation of enhancing Indian gaming’s economic growth has surpassed all projections. A once fledgling revenue source has evolved into a massive entertainment and leisure industry.

According to recent data from the National Indian Gaming Association (NIGA), Native American gaming employed 670,000 jobs nationwide for American Indians and its neighboring communities. Tribal casinos generated approximately $25.7 billion in gross gaming revenues in 2006, plus an additional $3.2 billion in related hospitality and entertainment services gross revenues. Indian gaming has paid billions in federal, state and local taxes and $100 million to charitable organizations. 

By 2008, the Indian gaming industry has grown to total more than 200 tribes who operate more than 400 casino properties in 26 states. Not every venue is a success, but most do well enough to provide employment and improve the education and standard of living for most tribal members.

“The superstar casinos are on both coasts,” explains Morago, “with a few in between. Most of the small, rural venues are doing all right. The casinos provide employment and mitigate the shrinking federal dollars coming their way. Also, the young people know they can expect to get jobs.”

Legal Challenges
In 20 years, both NIGA and the NIGC have often operated at cross-purposes. Some NIGA member tribes have sometimes considered the NIGC’s position an infringement on tribal compacts and sovereignty.

NIGC Director of Congressional and Public Affairs Shawn Pensoneau says, “The job of monitoring tribal gaming is large enough that most states cannot do it. The NIGC totally supports the notion that tribes are the primary regulators. However, as the industry has grown, our oversight role remains important.”

The situation peaked when the Colorado River Indian Tribe (CRIT) of Arizona sued the NIGC. In 2006, the U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington, D.C. marginalized the NIGC’s statutory authority. It barred the NIGC from issuing minimum internal control standards (MICS), initiated in 1999, for Class III tribal casinos that operate under state compacts.

The ruling affirmed a 2005 summary judgment of the District Court for Washington. The decision immediately suspended numerous federal audits and authorized tribal refusals to allow NIGC investigators into their gaming operations.

NIGC Chairman Philip Hogen quickly petitioned the Senate Indian Affairs Committee in November 2006, claiming that if the ruling were upheld, federal law enforcement would be “crippled in its efforts to protect the integrity of tribal gaming operations.” The FBI, and numerous federal prosecutors who have participated in investigating dozens of cases of alleged criminal activity relating to Indian gaming operations, have supported the NIGC’s dissension.

The CRIT decision has also sounded alarms for some lawmakers. In March 2007, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-California) contacted Senator Byron Dorgan (D-North Dakota), chairman of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, and ranking member, the late Senator Craig Thomas (R-Wyoming). Her letter relayed her deep concern for the integrity of tribal gaming in California if the CRIT decision diminished the NIGC’s authority.

Other legislation to create new barriers to off-reservation Indian casinos has been proposed and defeated, including a bill from former Congressman Richard Pombo (R- California) in September 2006. It attempted to limit what some term “reservation shopping.” However, while defeated, new land policies have since emerged.

Amend It Or Leave It Alone?
The meteoric growth of Indian gaming has also fueled efforts in the past several years to amend the IGRA. Thus far, congressional efforts have failed, due in part to the diligence of groups like NIGA and the National Congress of American Indians, America’s oldest Indian organization. The two have formed an alliance to effectively lobby the Congress in Washington D.C.

Presidential candidate Senator John McCain (R-Arizona) introduced legislation-S. 2078- in 2005, when he served as chairman of the Committee on Indian Affairs. Despite seeking changes, Staudenmaier says that over time, McCain has tried to maintain a fair, even-handed approach to Indian gaming.

“Most tribes would agree that Senator McCain has been a friend of Indian gaming,” she says.

McCain ended his chairmanship in December 2006, charging that the 109th Congress had failed to pass what he considered vital reforms. Despite numerous hearings in his committee, McCain and his members dissented as to whether the proposed changes were too restrictive or too lenient.

Some constituent groups wanted it left alone, fearing that close examination would open up the proverbial “can of worms” and negatively affect their tribes. In the Congressional Record on December 8, 2006, McCain lamented, “It seems that these people assumed that ignoring the problems is a better policy than confronting them.”  

McCain’s two major concerns were the erosion of the NIGC’s oversight role, thanks to the CRIT ruling, and the lack of specifics relating to casinos located far from a tribe’s reservation land. He implored the upcoming 110th Congress to address what he labeled as critical issues for the future successes of Indian gaming.

Morago says that AIGA advocates “working the legislation as long as possible” to make any changes as palatable as possible. She says, “Arizona has 22 tribes. Twenty-one tribes have signed gaming compacts and 15 have gaming agreements. AIGA has 19 member tribes. Via machine transfer agreements between individual tribes, there are 22 total gaming operations in Arizona. We realize it is important for tribes to work with the legislation when possible. We can always say ‘no’ at the end of the process.”

Where To Allow Indian Gaming To Operate
Historically, the federal government has owned all Indian reservation land in the continental United States. Laws from the 1800s allowed the Secretary of the Interior (SOI) to take Indian lands into trust.

“Still on the books, the law attempted to ‘protect’ tribes from selling to what the government considered unscrupulous individuals. The paternalistic law is archaic and condescending to tribal authority,” Staudenmaier says.

The IGRA bars tribes from conducting gaming on land unrecognized as reservation lands or designated “Indian lands” prior to October 17, 1988. The language does include exceptions for tribes without land, those who settle land disputes and those who lost land, but regained their federal recognition status.

Land not conforming to those standards must obtain the approval of both the individual governor and the SOI through a two-part determination. The analysis explores whether the land acquisition is in the tribe’s best interest and will be favorable to the surrounding community. Only three tribes have received this approval since 1988.

Some view this as “reservation shopping.” The DOI addressed the issue definitively in January 2008 by rejecting 22 applications for new off-reservation casinos. The DOI used a single criterion-the distance from the reservation- as the foundation for the decision. Ten applications were for land from 160 to 1,550 miles away from a tribe’s reservation. Several crossed into another state.

Following a McCain proposal that would have eliminated the two-part decision process for any tribes applying after April 15, 2006, a flood of applications poured in to the DOI. Intense lobbying by the tribes defeated that bill, but the applications remained on file

The new DOI guidelines may require that any new lands be within a commutable distance of 75 to 100 miles from a tribe’s historical land. Staudenmaier says, “Some view this new policy as a potential death knell for the future.”

Politics Makes All The Difference
While strength in numbers is good, strength in political numbers makes all the difference. Since the passage of the IGRA, Native Americans have come to enjoy a newfound political power. Morago says, “When the voting margin is a few percent, we are delighted that tribes may make that ballot difference.”

Democrats have enjoyed an especially close bond with the tribes. Industry analysts state that the Democratic Party and its candidates have advocated more for tribal sovereignty and interests than the Republican Party. However, Lombardi says that may change. “Due to his history with tribes, Senator McCain will force Democrats to compete this year,” he says.

In 2006, the Center for Responsible Politics reported that Democrats have fared better by two-to-one from tribal political contributions. The Washington, D.C. non-partisan, non-profit research group tracks political financing and analyzes its effect on elections and public policy.

It may be the most apparent in California. The University of California’s Institute of Governmental Studies Library reported that California Indian tribes have become the largest contributor to California political campaigns.

For Lombardi, the influence of Indian Country is the realization of decades of hard work and hope. He says, “One success of Indian gaming is the formation of political coalitions that have grown into a powerful voting bloc.” He claims that California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has realized the impact of tribal gaming throughout California since the initial compacts were ratified by Proposition 1A in March 2000.

In California, Indian gaming has generated billions, totaling $7.7 billion in 2006. Gaming has become so lucrative that hundreds of Native Americans are petitioning the Bureau of Indian Affairs for recognition of new California tribes in order to build casinos.

Schwarzenegger has altered his position on Indian gaming since his early days in office, and embraced its positive impact.

“Unfortunately, Indian gaming has become a piggy bank to some, but Governor Schwarzenegger recognized the advantages of positively working with the tribes,” Lombardi says.

California’s February 2008 Proposition 94, 95, 96 and 97 ballot questions proved his recognition of Indian Country’s viability, both politically and economically. The language is virtually identical, but each deals with specific groups-the Pechangas, the Morongo, the Sycuan and Agua Caliente tribes.
The legislation, which passed, allows for more machines, self-auditing, internal environmental analysis and a “fail safe” guarantee to reduce or eliminate tribal taxes if California opens other casinos.

What Lies Ahead?
Despite the introduction of S. 2676, called the Common Sense Indian Gambling Reform Act of 2008, by Senator David Vitter (R-Louisiana) in February 2008, it is unlikely for anyone to press for legislation, which fundamentally impacts the IGRA, in an important election year. As of press time, there are no co-sponsors, and experts agree that it could create way too much of a political backlash.

What Vitter wants is to again attempt to amend the IGRA, specifically addressing the land-in-trust and two-step determination issues, NIGC authority and fees and defining the “State” as both a governor and the state legislature.

Looking into the future, it may be difficult to uniformly amend the IGRA. The states and their perspectives are often very diverse since tribes have diverse needs in given situations.

While certain changes may be inevitable, based on the explosion of Indian gaming, Staudenmaier believes most tribes desire the status quo. She says, “The majority of tribes can live with what is there. The IGRA may be far from perfect, but they feel the best course is to keep it because to open it to changes can lead to more negative than positive.”

Morago states, “Various factors will affect what happens. As budgets and the economic situations change, tribes may face increased competition from states that will introduce new gaming as an alternative economic vehicle. It may force tribes to renegotiate their own state compacts.”


It’s a simple game, one which almost every American understands. It’s a staple of  church halls, VFW centers and charity events. But most of all, bingo has meant resurrection for many American Indian tribes.

First introduced in Italy as far back as 1530, bingo was a lottery-style game that migrated to France in the late 1700s. The Germans used it in the 1800s as a math teaching game for children.

Bingo migrated to America as “beano” in 1929, and was played in county fair-style settings with beans and colored discs drawn out of cigar boxes. It was first played at a carnival near Atlanta. It was renamed “bingo” when New York toy salesman Edwin S. Lowe simply misheard someone yelling “beano.” Lowe later hired a Columbia University math professor, Carl Leffler, to help him increase the number of combinations in bingo cards. By 1930, Leffler had come up with 6,000 unique bingo cards, and promptly went insane, according to legend.

The Catholic Church adopted the game as a fundraiser in the early 1930s and by 1934, 10,000 bingo games were being played weekly. Today, bingo produces gross revenues of more than $10 billion in North America alone.

Bingo actually launched the largest gaming company in the world, Harrah’s Entertainment. John Harrah, father of company founder, Bill Harrah, sold his son a $100-a-week bingo operation in Reno for $50,000. And the rest is history.

As a “Class II” game, Native American tribes introduced it in the 1970s as fund raisers for the nations. But it wasn’t until high-stakes bingo was introduced in Florida, Connecticut, Maine, California and elsewhere in the early 1980s that it drew the attention of the federal government.

The Supreme Court decision, Cabazon vs. California, was all about high-stakes bingo, and today, bingo remains an important part of most tribal gaming halls. Some of the world’s largest bingo halls are still located in Indian Country.

And the interpretation of “electronic aids” led to Class II gaming machines, which are in actuality electronic bingo games displayed in a manner that is reminiscent of a Class III slot machine.

The importance of bingo to the development of Indian gaming cannot be overstated, something which is all too fitting, given the game’s history and simplicity.

Learning Lessons

The Sycuan Band of the Kumeyaay Nation is proud of our success with economic development and tribal government gaming. We are equally proud of the ways that we have been able to extend our business success into positive community relations in and around San Diego and the rest of the state of California. As major sponsors of institutions like Children’s Hospital, the American Cancer Society and the American Diabetes Association and as contributors to dozens of local charities, our gaming and business revenues allow us to fulfill our larger mission of being both good neighbors and a strong government partner.

One of our recent partnerships is with San Diego State University (SDSU), where we endowed the Sycuan Institute on Tribal Gaming at SDSU’s School of Hospitality and Tourism. Under the terms of the endowment, the Institute has created and introduced an academic curriculum leading to a B.S. in Hospitality and Tourism Management with an emphasis in tribal gaming. The four courses required for the tribal gaming emphasis include casino operations, marketing, legal and regulatory issues and an introduction to Indian gaming’s social, political and cultural context. All four courses are now being offered by SDSU and we look forward to supporting the growth of the program and the success of its graduates. In particular, we are excited about the development of a professional class of hospitality experts who will enhance the Indian gaming industry in California and, we hope, across the United States.

In addition to the for-credit academic courses, the Sycuan Institute is also charged with building and maintaining an academic research component that solicits research proposals and makes grants to researchers in this relatively new field of study. The institute’s research arm supports scholarly research on Indian gaming’s social and economic impacts, assists scholars in producing research that is useful to tribal governments and tribal gaming operators, contributes to the literature on Indian gaming’s political and community effects, and strengthens the link between scholarly research and policy making that affects tribal governments and Indian gaming.

During its first year the Sycuan Institute funded six major research projects treating such diverse issues as responsible gaming, employee diversity and cultural revitalization through gaming. This year there are seven projects under way that will produce findings related to off-reservation gaming, traditional gambling among the Kumeyaay and language recovery, among others.

The Sycuan Institute on Tribal Gaming is a unique partnership that produces numerous benefits for the tribal governments in the region as well as for the university. For example, our partnership has the potential to improve business performance through strengthening tribal government gaming management resources and creating a pipeline for students to both work and study. The academic research component at the Institute can address regulation and other policy issues that would benefit from a research foundation and an objective analysis of the facts. The university provides faculty resources, expanded educational opportunities and visibility and community awareness for tribal government gaming in the region; our tribe, on the other hand, provides professional guidance on course development, access to executives as guest speakers and mentors, internship opportunities for students, industry information and data for research analysis and funding.

We look forward to a long and fruitful partnership between the tribe and the Sycuan Institute and encourage other tribal governments to consider the similar partnerships with universities or other institutions that can contribute to both an improved business environment and better gaming policy. By continuing to cultivate a professional workforce, develop and document “best practices,” build a meaningful and rigorous gaming literature and share successful gaming innovations, we can strengthen tribal government gaming in ways that continue to benefit our people, our employees, our patrons and our communities. For more information about the Sycuan Institute on Tribal Gaming, please visit